Have you ever seen a cow in real? Children who live in the cities usually can't see cows or other farm animals, but fortunatey there are some little farm like this that are useful to know these aimals.
I was born and I lived for many years in a small village in the country, so I saw many different animals in my life, from domestic and farm animals to wild animals like the wolf and the fox. The same for my daughter when she was a little one, but not every child can see them, so this little farm are really useful also to learn more about animals and to love them.
Yesterday we were in a small village on the montain where there were an horse and 3 cows and so I took some pics to share with you:
In the past, this village was a place where many farmers live, but in the time many young people went to the city to work. Fortunately now there are a group of people who lives and works there (there is a fish lake and a good restaurant) and they came back to the past raising some farm animals too. ^_^
See ya later

Traditional farms in the villages spread over acres of land with natural greens are one perfect environment for the cattle, rather than the commercialized units in the ultra modern facilities.
Btw, are these Holstein Friesian, I guess ?
Yes, the first one is a Friesian (in italian is Frisona ^_^)
In general, many things happen, I was born in the countryside, but at this moment I live in the city and I was also surrounded by pets and farm animals, I liked to ride horses or in the morning milk the cow and drink a good glass of milk, but as you say, many children have not seen many farm animals. Fortunately here in Tachira-Venezuela where I live, every year they do a cattle fair where everyone can go to see several farm animals, this exhibition is held in Asogata (Tachira State Cattlemen's Association) and it is very cool
Wow, that fair looks really a fantastic opportunity to know better the farm animals!
It' the same thing that the cow said to me yesterday :P
It's a universal language!
Thank you for the photos. Unfortunatly you didn't write where do you live (country, region). I like animals. I live in a town and I enjoyed the photos you posted.
I live in a small city called Pistoia, in the middle of Italy ^_^
I've seen my fair share of cows. In fact I was born on a tiny dairy farm my hippy-dippy mother decided to run. (She had more 1970s spirit than business sense.)
I remember seeing cows at the county fair when I was a kid. They had a butcher's chart showing the different cuts of meat hanging over the cattle! I became a vegetarian after that trip - for about three weeks.
It looks like you have an interesting childhood! My mother is not too much in the '70 spirits (before to meet my father she wanted to be a Sister ^^), but in a tiny village where we lived there are some farmers and so it was common for me to see animals. I also "tried" to become vegetarian (for a couple of months), but at the end the Fiorentina steak was too taste to resist ^^
Yeah me too. Poor cows. It's not their fault they're so delicious.
I Love cow because of their eye. In the picture there is only one lonely cow. But this cow is Very nice to look at. I enjoyed the post. Thank you.
Good morning
Good morning ^_^
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