Yesterday was the Election Day here in Italy. I don't like to talk about political theme on the social media, because I've aways thought there's something better than to share some words on the social media just to say "Ehi, I'm here!", we can contribute much more giving positive examples in real and talking with people in real. Polical thought written on the social media sometimes cause bad fights, bad words, violence's sentences and so I prefer to duscuss about this themes just in real. Sure, everyone who follows me on facebook or others perfectly knows that I'm against racism, homophobia, discrimination and others so you can image my bad mood when I woke up this morning in a country (MY country) where a very big part of people voted for the most racist and homophobic italian party: the Lega and his leader Matteo Salvini. The party that had more votes than the others was the "5 stelle" (5 stars), an euroscepti and very controversial movement started by the comedian Beppe Grillo and the web entrepreneur Roberto Casaleggio (just to know: this last one was involved in many investigations because his illegale use of his web agencies creating fake news on the net). They aso seems to be a bit filo-Putin. Just to know. Sincerily, I have to say that, even if I really don't like the programs of the 5 Stelle, I'm more scare by the number of the votes for the Right Partise :(
At now, we don't have a government, but just a dark future. I have to explain this part, because I think the most of you don't exactly knows how the election works in Italy:
For the italian laws about elections, a party (or an allieance of parties) have to get over 40% of votes to form a government, but yesterday no one got over that threshold so will happen one of the following thing:
1) there will be a new allieance between the parties that had an high percentage of votes, the 5 Stelle and the Lega, so we'll have an eurosceptic, racist and homophobic government
2) to have a "governo di scopo"(government of purpose), a temporary government finalized to study a new election law.
The first option is the most probably and I will not deny that I'm really scared by this.
Well, I really need to drink something hot and sweet this morning, a need a big cup of hot chocolate.
![silvia beneforti](
Sometimes is necessary talk about this dear Silvia
Yes, I think the same
Talking about politics on social media something that not everyone likes to engage in but the truth is that, social media is an avenue where you can air your view.
Now, in terms of this Italian politics you in question, i guess Facebook and others are great platforms to convince people for them to see reasons why should not give massive mandate to the racist party.
Am quite sure that you are right here but on a second thought, i also think that it depends on manner in which its presented.
But in all, everything politics must attract friends and foe at the same time.
si... elezioni politiche in Italia... stringiamoci forte, ne avremo bisogno :D :D
stringiamoci forte forte, Filippo! :D :D
ce ne sarà bisogno ahahahah
Take two mugs of hot chocolate, and go for a long walk. What else can you do?
You're right, there's nothing else that I can do. I'll continue to try to give positive example and to live my life in peace and harmony ;)
Our politics in the UK have been getting crazy lately, but probably not as chaotic as Italy. I think politicians have lost the public trust and people will vote for whoever promises what they want. That's dangerous as such politicians may have other motives. Many of them don't seem to really care about the people. We need to be talking about this too keep everyone thinking
At this moment, here it's really a choas, not only because this results surprised many people , but also because we don't have a government and this means instability and tension. The future alliances to have a government will be not simple, because people who voted for the 5 stars are not righty like the Lega. Hard times in every cases.
I hope they can work it out, but it seems Italy struggles to make any government last long. I worry about the extreme parties having too much power when they can decide votes. It's happened here too.
Anch'io 5 stars, speriamo bene. Per tutti e per tutto
Comunque vada, speriamo si arrivi presto ad avere un nuovo governo, altrimenti instabilità (anche economica, visto l'andamento della borsa di Milano) e tensioni non faranno che crescere.
Just watched a comedic and not so comedic take on the Italy elections not too long ago
I am sorry to hear about the woes. Hopefully this will have an effect of people becoming more active in politics to help bring change if that is what is wanted.
Hey @ silviabeneforti, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work!
It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)
Hi my dear! You are right! My family in Morocco stopped go to election, never they go to vote, my father always tell me that no one deserves my vote, I don’t like the racism, it’s not good all the humans must be equals.