When I was a young girl I studied the greek pholosophers at school. Even if I was planned scientific study for my instruction (when I was young I would to become an aeronautics engineer, but fate has decided otherwise ^_^), I was very fascinated by the ancient greek philosopher.
Today, while I was watching some of my pics that I took during our walking, I thought that sometimes we see the observation of the nature just as relaxing activity (and it is), but this activity is also a great source and it can generate complex thoughts.
Like for many other sciences, the ancient greek philosophers were a sort of precursors of the natural science and thinking about that time, that ancient time, we can understand how important is to observe. To observe and to ask yourself, to try to understand how the "things" work, to search answers. It was really a great time to learn, a great time for the minds who wanted to learn.
Ask. Search the answers.
Even if some theories of the ancient philosophers have been denied, the fact remains that those theories have been important to the start of the "thought" about how the universe works.
Today, when we watch around us the signs of nature, we can use what we know about how it work. We perfectly know how the Earth goes around the Sun, why the grass is green, what is a flash of light in the sky, how the genes are important, etc, but during the time of ancient greek philosophers everything was a mystery! Curiosity made the humans capable to grow.
Even if today there are less "mysteries" than during that time, I think we have to feel the same curiosity about things, because it can helps us to know and to grow. Forever and ever. ^_^
See ya soon
sono domande che ricevo dai miei bambini, chiaramente mi fo suggerire da GOOGLE.
Santo Google ^_^