Puppies are cute. A lot of dogs are pretty.
It's good to be around dogs, and it feels good to have a companion at your feet all the time.
And then they can guard the home and keep you safe.
So who wouldn't want a dog?
I used to be one of them, because I preferred cats. Now I love both dogs and cats.
But That Doesn't Matter
What matters is that too many people get dogs for the wrong reasons. For selfish reasons.
Many dogs have plenty of energy, and if they don't get to release that energy, they will ruin things in your home. Or even go as far as biting people.
They are social beings. Very social beings. They need to be with others.
Are you gone all day?
Then why would you want a dog? A dog is miserable if it's left alone.
Our neighbor has a Belgian shepherd. He's a nice man, when I speak to him, but he's strict with the dog. I don't know if he's beating it, but now the dog doesn't like men. Every time a man passes her yard, she runs out and acts as if she's going to attack.
Our neighbor enforced the fence around his yard, but his dog kept finding holes. Or perhaps she dug her way out.
One day, he began to tie her inside the yard. The dog gnawed her leash and broke it and escaped again. Then he tied her in a shorter leash.
She could hardly move.
When we passed her, Nefnef and I, she howled.
Poor dog.
I often wonder why our neighbor wantedaddog, because he doesn't let her inside their home. He doesn't walk the dog or play with it. She's gotten two litters of puppies, and every time her puppies were taken from her, she howled even more.
That's not a life worthy of anyone. That's not a dog's life.
Think It Through
Having a dog is a big responsibility.
It's pee on the carpets, and it's furniture with bite marks.
At least, until the dog has grown up a bit.
Having a dog means being with a dog. All the time, if possible.
It means going outside when it's raining, snowing, storming, and otherwise is a horrible weather.
Enough preaching from me, but please consider what's good for the dog.
Don't be like my neighbor.
Previous Posts in my Dog Life Series
Teach Your Dog Words (Dog Life Day #1)
When Opportunity Knocks (Dog Life Day #2)
Pet Battles (Dog Life Day #3)
Nefnef Finally Got Recognition (Dog Life Day #4)
Should We Live in the Present? (Dog Life Day #5)
How I Got My Dog Using Magic
President Calvin Coolidge owned at least a dozen dogs.
@sindore Nice post, appreciate the sensitivity. I don't have any pets, but know people who do. Some truly care for their pets, but others have them only for selfish reasons. It's like 'my boyfriend might not agree with me all the time, but my dog will, and even if he doesn't, he can't do anything about it.' They'd love the dog when they want to, and treat the dog, like a "dog" when they want to. Whosoever thought only man is the superior animal, and has the right to treat other beings as inferior is deluded. So yes, don't just have a pet, if you really don't know what it means like to have one, and if you just don't know how to care for them. Cheers!
That is a sad story... unfortunately many people still treat animals in a bad way...
Yes, and I think that a lot of them do because they are not aware of doing it. Like our neighbor in France who let their two day old kittens run around outside... Of course, they were all killed. They just assumed that cats were able to manage on their own.
😞 My heart aches for the Belgian and the countless like her! I have been a lifelong animal lover and dog mom 🐾🐾
I have also been very active with animal rescue groups, so I know this story all too well.
But what I have noticed over the years is that the more people who share these types of stories, the more progress is made, truly not as fast as we would prefer, but progress just the same.
I feel the same way with pets as I do with children if a person isn't willing to make them a priority and devote time, attention, and money to them, then PASS!
No living being deserves to be in an environment where it is not loved and cared for.
I look forward to checking out your other posts in the Dog Life Series
😊 💙 🌻
Wow, @robinlight-cbd, how good to know that things improve. I admire you for working for the animals.
It’s a shame that people are cruel to their pets. I consider Furball (dog) and Kathy (turtle) members of my family, not pets. Can you report them to an animal protection agency in your community?