I left once. I left ANGRY, MAD, SAD and DISAPPOINTED. Shouting caps intentional for emphasis. You just seem tired, not particularly mad or angry about specific things or people like I was, definitely specific people in my case.
But two years later, I came back by and a week after that I was making apps again and a witness again and well. Shit, this was not how I planned it but here I am... again.
So I will say, farewell, thanks for the thoughtful dialog when our ships passed each other this past couple weeks in the comments. But I won't say "goodbye forever", because well, this place is like an addiction or a pesky infection. It will make you sick, it will wear you out, but somehow, after that fades, it beckons again and demands your attention again. Perhaps just nostalgia that won't be met with the current state feeling like those gold old days, but perhaps there is something here worth saving.
We'll leave a light on for ya, that is, as long as somebody keeps voting for the "pay the damn light bills for Hive" proposals anyway.
I'll still be around, like I have been. Just really wanted to put all this behind now, make it official, like I told you I'd do. Put it down on good terms. Move on.
Well as one of your chosen witness votes, for which Witty and I are both grateful as the witness team you picked as one of your votes, I will represent for you however you wish to be represented. If you want to identify as "gone and retired", you have my full support of that.
Best wishes, farewell. Until we meet again. Which I am hoping is eventually, maybe, perhaps, someday.
I don't mind hooking you guys up. And I ask for nothing in return. Just do your thing and do it well.