Come With Me On My Breakfast Hunt - Introducing Mr. Gourmet

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I hope you guys had a delicious breakfast as well, tell me about your favorite dishes so I can try those as well!

When I woke up this morning, I found out some bad news - my fridge was empty! And my belly too.
I have been so busy working and reading and writing Steemit posts lately, that I totally forgot to go grocery shopping.

I thought about ordering food or use a grocery delivery service, but let's not overdo it. 

So what did I want to eat?
Cornflakes (no that's too simple), Full English Breakfast (too heavy), Toast (too dry), or ... waffles?

But not any waffles - special gourmet waffles!

What's better for breakfast than waffles?

I know we all work hard here on Steemit but sometimes it's also good to get some fresh air.

So let me take you with me on my waffle adventure!

I was hungry, so I quickly jumped into my car and drove to the waffle Café.
I didn't get a parking spot close by, but I didn't care, so I just parked on the side of the road (Fees are not as high here in germany than in the US - I can remember doing the same move in L.A. and being towed away, but that's a different story).

So let's get back to the waffles. Sorry - Gourmet Waffles.

I got out the car, only to see that there was an extremely long line in front of the shop.

I forgot that the kids were on summer vacation already - and what do teenagers do when they don't have school? Eat waffles, what else!

It smells beautifully of freshly baked waffles and molten chocolate - my stomach is growling.

Well at least I can think about what I want to get while getting in line.
This Café only sells waffles - and you can choose from a variety of toppings. Based on a Subway-like-Concept, they have all the toppings laid out at the counter and you can choose what you want on your waffle.

Waffle. Nutella. Strawberries. Blueberries. Kinder Chocolate. Drizzle of Caramel Sauce. Powdered Sugar.

Voilà! Let me introduce you to my Gourmet Breakfast for today:

The waffle had a perfect consistency, fluffy on the inside but a little crispy on the outside. Perfect temperature. Nutella: molten. Perfect balance between sour fruitiness and sweet chocolate. And with every other bite, a hint of Caramel Sauce - not too much, but not too little either.

Très bien! (French) HARMONYYYYYYYYY! subarashii! (Japanese) unglaublich! (German)

I forgot how good this tastes. Even better than in my memory. I definitely ate too quickly - I feel like I didn't get the waffle the attention that it deserved.
I also didn't chew enough because I was too hungry.

'Should I take another waffle?'
No, the line is way too long ...

I love to travel around the world, trying different cuisines and specialities, taking my tongue on an Adventure and exploring different tastes.

Mr. Gourmet a.k.a. Winchester

But before going home, I decided to get myself a T-Shirt made as a little Souvenir  ...


Im glad you woke up hungry, cause you found some mazin waffles. Thats coming from a foodie.
I too love to travel and try the foods of the area or country. Keep trying them, and be sure to share them here.
lol I guess the kids would oove them too. Great shape of the waffle too makes it fun.
Hopefully you didnt wait too long....I bet you'll be back
Enjoy !

Nice to meet another foodie here and thanks for your comment!
Maybe you should share about your food adventures as well, I'd be interested :)

That looks like a pretty awesome place to get gourmet waffles!

I didn't know where you were going to take the story after

When I woke up this morning, I found out some bad news - my fridge was empty! And my belly too.

I immediately thought of friends in Africa that have that as a reality (minus the fridge).

Sometimes we forget what a luxury it is to be able to simply drive wherever we want and eat at any time of the day.

Being in Africa really opened my eyes to how a lot of the world lives. While I may have been hot and thirsty in Africa, money provided my parents and I with bottled water and our choice of food.

But traveling off the roads deep into the more impoverished areas I found people that struggled to find clean water (My parents and I helped to open up a well that was very dirty before, but was still being used for water and people were walking miles to get for).

We were also given lunch inside the huts and what little they had was shared with us.

I know this was not the route your story took, but thought I would share what your article prompted in me.

Yes I visited Africa too, and I saw the pain for myself. But in my opinion it doesn't make much sense to donate, because the corruption rate is so high and you don't actually know if your money ends up with the ones in need. The best way to help is probably to go there yourself and help out with your own hands.

I'm very careful about what organizations I donate to. I have been to all the ones I support, including visiting the children we support as well. But yes corruption is high, so supplies and money that is sent for aid is often taken by corrupt government/law enforcement.

I'm hoping to fund the return trip to visit my friends there and give more moral support through steemit once I have worked out of a bit of debt.

That was very rude of you you never asked what I wanted lol, thy looked gorgeous, I want a waffle now

haha, I'm sorry ;) I hope you got to eat something delicious too

I had to do with

I envy people who can so easy and exciting to write about anything :)
You make me believe that even breakfast can be a little adventure :)

Mmmmmmmmm, don't have waffles, but maybe now i'll make some crepes for supper!

Hey, looks like at least the last bite was enjoyed. Great post about a pretty ordinary subject. I am continuously impressed sir!

Yes I definitely enjoyed that ;)
Thanks for your feedback, happy to hear that you liked it.

Great post. You made the ordinary seem extraordinary.


thank you so much for your compliment, appreciate it!

omg that looks SO. GOOD.
Now you made me hungry :(

hahaha I'm sorry ;) go get some food too!

Upvoted and followed! Please visit, upvote and comment this article too, it´s a charity action for a bro in africa:

I want a shirt like that with a gold logo as well! :DD

;) glad you like it!
Maybe I'll open up a merchandise shop hahaha

This post made me hungry. Now I'm off on my own dinner adventure (as I am on EST).

Haha, hope you are successful on that adventure and you get to eat something GOOD! :)

Cool post, I like how you combined your story with the Anime! What's the name of that series ?

thank you, appreciate it! The Anime is called "Tokyo ghoul"

My favorite dish is chocolate cake <3 especially the one from cheesecake factory.. I could swim in chocolate I love it so much :D

Of course, there are only very few things that can beat chocolate!

I don´t know, but i had to laugh while reading your post Mr. Gourmet. That looks delicious

;) happy to hear that. laughing is good! thanks for your comment!

Gimme that shirt!!!

Glad you like it!

my favorite dish is my Mom's homemade pork roast with baked potatoes and veggies.. I'm getting hungry as I'm thinking of it..
Mom's food will always stay the best ;)

Hehe I agree with you, certain dishes are always best when homemade by mom <3

So yummy I want one now!

:P sorry for making you hungry^^

I want to go to that waffle cafe as well - looks awesome. such a simple business idea, but I can imagine that the combination tastes amazing!

You are right - it's so simple to make, but yet we never have all the ingredients at home or are too lazy to do it. So we go out and buy it, and they make great profit - win/win !
Thanks for your comment!

Really creative post, and damn those waffles look good. First thing tomorrow? Waffles!

Hahaha, will you write a post about it too? ;)
Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Now that looks extra yammy. Perfect breakfast! 💚

yes it WAS extra yummy!

does that cap say "WINCHESTER"? ;)

I love how creatively you can describe something so simple as waffles. and those pictures definitely made my mouth water!

thank you for your kind words. (and sorry for making you hungry)

OMG that has to be the best-looking waffle I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing. Although now all I can think about is waffle...waffle...waffle :)

hahaha! If you think about it enough, maybe it'll appear in front of you? :D

where do you get all these gifs from that fit PERFECTLY - good job makes the post much more interesting!

thank you!! I'm glad you like it. I try to make every post as fun and engaging as possible.

my favorite dish is PIZZA. italian, american, doesnt matter. as long as it's cheesy, I LOVE it !

yep, you can't go wrong with pizza!

might sound a little boring, but my favorite dish is actually spaghetti carbonara. a classic!

you can't go wrong with a classic like that!

followed you, you have such interesting content :D

thank you, I appreciate it!

Nice SnapBack, mister 😏😁👌🏼

I have been so busy working and reading and writing Steemit posts lately, that I totally forgot to go grocery shopping.

Hahaha! :) The same story!
Bon appetit, sir! ;)

Man, I would have gone with the Nutella ones for sure!

Oh man you could use some in your life ;)