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RE: I Lost $4150 while I was sleeping

in #life7 years ago

I've had a keen eye for scams ever since I fell for the scam a couple of years ago. The premise was cloud-based hashing, and you got 10 GHS for free but you had to buy $10 worth of hashpower to unlock your earnings.

I should've known it was a scam when the returns on the site were so high, I was getting like 13% a day or something ridiculous - and I was investing it all in more hashing power. The temptation to give them more and more money was great and at the time it seemed to make sense looking at the ROI.

Eventually the site went down for a couple days and when it reappeared, the chat bot/admin had been renamed to ELsa - who then proceeded to tell us that all our money and hashpower had been 'converted to frozen coin' (cleaver way of telling us our funds had been frozen)


O dear, so sad to hear that. Yeah, where internet has so many good aspects there it has also given courage to some bad people to exploit it.