I love reading your thoughtful and thought-provoking posts, ronni! You obviously put a lot of care into writing them. Your children sound like little bundles of joy. I love how little kids are so generous with hugs and smiles! And your daughter seems to have traits of entrepreneurship in her. 😊 If she's ok with buying a used mobile phone, maybe she will be able to afford one sooner than you think.
The things I treasure in life are very similar to yours - spending time with family/friends, making a positive impact in some small way, taking walks, reading. And yup, like you said, they are all FREE!
Thank you so much sizzlingmonkeys, your prasing words mean a lot to me!
I am a very fortunate man to have such sweet and loving children.
Yes an old phone might actually be within her financial means, but I am not sure I like her to have one since she is only 5 years old.. The days when our children will be glued to their phones will probably come soon enough.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Life is good.
Hi @ronni, notice I was trying to praise you for effort and not for inborn abilities, all to help promote a growth mindset! 😉
Wow, your daughter is quite a deep thinker for her tender age! I think I had a toy phone around that age - the kind whose eyes roll when you pull it around the house. Somehow I don't think your daughter will go for that, though! Come to think of it, maybe it's a good thing her earnings are not quite enough to afford a phone yet. By the time she has enough savings, maybe it'll be around the age that you'd actually want her to carry a phone with her. ☺️
:) I would always prefer that kind of praise! This just proves that it is not just a kids related strategy.
I am sure she will enjoy the phone even more if she buys it herself when she gets older!
What a wonderful lesson in entrepreneurship and money management if she buys the phone using her own hard-earned money!