Yeah, its its just more of a sign of the times.
Shit i dont just want fries i want that shit supersized damnit!
I thought it was funny and seriously when i watch the video of it i get that little curl in the corner of my mouth cause it is funny, atleast to me it is.
Comedy is dead........ Or maybe we are to old, or me atleast.
Dumming down and pussification of the usa in the 90's and late 80's is kind of obvious IMO.
Time to bury your gold, silver, guns and food in the hills and get reading for the big camping vacation.
Mmmmm, s'mores.
the world might be going to shit but they sell smores shaped marshmellows now.
its like the size of half a gram cracker/half a hersheys chocolate bar and square.
so i guess atleast we have that to look foward to.
Oh, thank god, because a cylindrical marshmallow was just TOO MUCH to deal with.


We are not far off!