
They didnt really force me, just told me to take a seat for 15 minutes and time it myself. I was like, well, if I start frothing at the mouth it might be nice not to be on the motorway :0D

My arm is a bit sore it must be said. Apart from that all good. I guess if it is about 15 hours I will get it square in the middle of the night. Yeek!


They had no seats at my place.. and trusted me not to drive away instantly. Never trust me.., I'm a rebel heh..

The arm, I didn't even feel it go in, and it barely gave me any pain. @bingbabe on the other hand, had bad effects and a bad arm... same place, same jab.

Was it the Pfizer one? I didnt feel a thing at the time either. I am never that fussed with needles. It doesn't hurt too much unless I don't move it for a while. Will probably ache a bit in the morning!

The Good Lady got her letter through and she has to go on Wednesday, I bet she is a mess after it. The women, they just don't have the same tolerance for pain ;O)

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