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RE: Humanity is fucked and will self-destroy

in #life5 years ago

waited 5 months for a friend to arrive to start a coop voluntary community .....then this guy turned fascist dictator with no respect to local economies and people ....
Treating me as cheap labour and destroying all my carefully build up connections with the locals to .

I did the right thing , i left his place not to be seen as part of it or this snowflake regime .

Back to the Netherlands by plane is my only option for now , get busted at Schiphol airport for having not payed my taxes ... for some years ..
spend some time in a dutch jail .

But he' it beats starving to death and saves my face for the local Greeks .
I can return one fine day .... this fascist turned ex friend snowflake , the local Greeks will destroy him and make sure he will never return .

Humanity ... fucked up indeed .


I'll just try to not go into jail

I am trying , decided to stay for a while .. :-)