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RE: A letter to @lynncoyle1 as I inch closer to death from Cancer

in #life7 years ago

You get me everytime! I cry for you guys, but with the biggest smile upon my face. I dont understand why things happen the way they do, and I never will. Its one of the greatest mysteries. Im so glad you two found each other and got to spend the time you did with each other. Your love for on another trumps all else. As the ravens stay around awaiting to take you home, know that your beautiful wife loves and adores you. Most of all, know that that love she has for you will never fade. You both came together because of a greater power knew you both needed each other. Your love is one hell of a beautiful thing and I thank you so much for sharing it with all of us. Know that we all think of you and Lynn. Know we all have both of your backs and will be here in any time of need. SOOOO much love, hugs, and strength sent yalls way! <3


feel the love from your words way over here in Mexico ;) You're right, we are both so lucky to have found each other and to have had this experience, even if it seems like it's not for long enough. We know that there's a lot of people in life who never get to experience something like this; and that saddens me for sure. I know that when the time comes, and I'm alone, I really won't be alone. I know that Brian will be whispering in my ear every chance that he gets, whether it takes the form of a raven swooping down on me, or a gentle breeze on my face...he'll be there, and that knowledge will give me solace.@smylie2005, you are amazing!! And Brian and I can

Thank you again <3

Thank you. your response brought me to tears. I am so thankful my girl found you all here at Steemit as I am sure she will need some friends to chat with and I am ok knowing that you all will look after her here. Thank you all :)