**Hi Jess, this is that crazy person you have decided to have in your life. I wanted to create this post because i know you really like this platform to express yourself and i feel maybe i could do the same.
We have known each other now for over seven years, the first time we spoke, we just clicked, it didn't feel awkward, we felt a connection, even online we felt a very strong connection between us, at that time as you know, we had alot going on in our lives and we parted ways not long after and although we lost contact for long periods at a time, i had always thought about you, was always curious as to why it didn't go anywhere but online etc. But last year, i plucked up the courage to finally tell you how i felt, and in a short space of time, i fell for you, and you already knew before i even said it. You can read me like a open book, it's scary but it's helped because it's made me feel comfortable expressing how i feel and what im thinking etc.
Last year i attended my friends wedding and also my cousins wedding 2 weeks apart, and it got me thinking about my own future and how its going to be. All i thought about those two days was you Jess. When you told me you loved me too, i knew how difficult that was for you to say that, but it made me so happy Jess that i felt like a new man.
I then asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes, or to be precise you said "i thought you never ask" lol It meant alot to me for you to say yes because i've always loved you and i knew that deep down you felt the same too.
Now we have had many issues so early on, in which i wouldn't broadcast on here as its our business and no one elses but what i can say is that its been very difficult for both of us, alot of things has had to change, and currently things are changing. You have helped me so much in such a short space of time such as finding a place of my own, helping me to stop gambling for good, you made me see things differently and in a better light, and although its going to take time to be able to get myself to a stage in my life that i can finally put my past to bed, I will keep fighting and pushing forward, not only for me, but for you.
As you are going through a very difficult time right now, i want to say this to you...
I love you very much Jess, and as frustrating as it is not being able to be together more often, that doesn't change my feelings for you. I will always support you, and be there whenever you need me, I get that you don't express certain emotions to me about yourself and thats fine, but one day you will see that you can share those feelings more with me because i will always listen, always help and be there for you. I admire your strenght, your outlook on life, your sense of humour, everything about you, its just small portion of many different reasons why i fell in love with you. Your beautiful, sexy, amazing, everything you can dream of in a woman, that's you, you are my dream woman Jess.
Again times are tough right now, but always remember, that im here for you, in whichever capacity you want me to be in.
I love you Jessica
Thank you for sharing.
You are welcome :)