If there's two things I'm really into, then it's yachts and sleek concepts. All I can say is sit back, relax and enjoy these graceful images that come accompanied with some info on the respective ships.
This first concept is probably my personal favourite regarding the deck; Even though the sides are poorly designed, making the entire ship look quite chunky, the deck must be the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Wouldn't mind spending a few bucks on this one.
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This one blows me away with its sheer elegance and it certainly also did the same to the people who attended the 2017 Yacht show in Singapore. Although the bow might be a bit too eccentric for the masses, I think the designer did an incredible job at creating it.
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What is this thing? It looks way too futuristic to be a yacht. I wouldn't be surprise if it just emerged from the water and shot up into sky.
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Since we were talking about futuristic yachts... I just wanted to step up the game here. At this point I am almost entirely sure that some sort of Alien race has invaded our planet.
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It's really starting to get out of hand here...
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This one is so sexy it's actually making my eyes twitch just a little. Just from the design, this one is clearly my favourite.
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The delivery man called; Got a shipment from Pandora.
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Even though this hilarious yacht concept is not really in unanimity with my perspective of sleek design, it deserves an award for being the weirdest concept I've ever seen.
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Ending on this note of mixed feelings you're probably experiencing right now, I wish you a beautiful rest of the day (or night)! :)
Very cool stuff to think about!
Indeed! All of these look amazing in their own way :)