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RE: I Can't Believe I'm Doing This

in #lifelast year

and I you!!

What I do NOT respect is the new monitor I got this morning that has taken up eight hours of my day when I do not have 8 hours to spend on stupid shit like a plug-and-play monitor. Now tomorrow I have to return it and try and find a new one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg that works....

I swear when it rains it pours and pours......then throws in thunder and lightning and frogs falling from the sky with a few Locusts thrown in for the hell of it.

and noooooooo I am not bitter about any of this wasting my time today...... :D

Okay maybe just a tad bitter.

I keep hoping this stupid thing will look better if I keep using it and it doesn't.....sigh......

and that is my rant even after a nice walk and getting surprised flowers from my hubby..... Can you imagine the rant with out the flowers?

Sometimes I even scare myself LOLL!