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RE: Posting a Blank Digital Canvas

in #lifelast year

you just described how I write stories.

Everything starts with a thought or "splot" and then it takes on a life of its own. I love that because I think the things that come out of just letting go and going with the flow tell the real story of what wants to be made.

I have a hard time with contests keeping to all the rules people set up, but I will use a prompt from one as a place to start, and I am always amazed by where the story takes me and the wandering it does to get to where it always wanted to to go.

I think if we let our brain take over and we do not try and push things where we believe they should be, we get a better ..... everything!!! Because then the real problems/solutions come out to be seen.

If you are always trying to control everything in your life...I find life a tad boring. But when you let yourself dream, you take yourself to places and ideas you would never have thought of. Some ideas you might try and make a reality, and others can just make you smile, but in the end, dreams give HOPE, and Hope is what life is all about.

Keep being YOU. Your take on Something really made me smile!!!! Plus, I had the extra benefit of seeing faces smiling at me when I needed it most!

Okay, I'm off to catch up on long overdue sleep.

"Great post," my friend! Great post!!


It can work really well with stories. Comes out of nowhere and builds. Often prompts can then be found within what you've written yourself after starting from scratch, when you go back to proofread. When I'd add humor or sarcasm, that's how I'd do it. Start serious, then pick yourself apart.

Enjoy your rest. And thanks again for the help.