Wandering Mind

in #life2 years ago (edited)


I am still alive if anyone is out there wondering.

My Mother has been staying with me for the past six-plus weeks while waiting for her house to sell in Florida. God willing, if all goes as planned, a brother and sister will be the new owners of my parent's dream home on September 20, 2023.

My Mom never thought she would leave that little house in Florida. She never planned to go through all her belongings and decide what was most important to keep for her last twenty years and what would have to be pitched or given away.

What memories were hidden in a dresser that Mom would come across while cleaning out a drawer would be strong enough to make her sit back and catch her breath as waves of memories washed over her?

To know she really had no choice in where she was moving to. Those choices, because of the distance, were out of her hands. She had to put all faith in her daughter to do what was right. She trusted her. She had no choice.


I try to remember that no matter my choices, the choices are to give Mom the best life I can. I, too, must remind myself that I could not keep flying down to care for her. My health has been going downhill fast. I could not handle another plane ride. I can not handle being alone and taking care of her again.

Last year, I spent over four months alone with her in her Florida house, caring for her. She was told not to walk for twelve weeks. My adrenalin to keep her well cared for ran out about nine weeks in. It has taken me over a year to recover from those four-plus months.

What I could do was make sure she had the money to live in a place I knew she would be more than happy with. Surrounded by all kinds of people. A place where she has the freedom to live how she wants but one that takes care of tedious tasks like cleaning for her.

It was worth it in the end because I saved her house and, in doing so, made it possible for her to move up to Wisconsin into a place anyone would be proud to call home.

Yet it has been heartbreaking and scary to watch my Mother realize that I wasn't hopping on a plane to save her at eighty-six. This time, she was going to have to do the hopping. It took her a week's stay in a Hospital to finally realize it was time to move.

I had meant what I said the last time I walked out of that little house she loved so much. I could not, would not, be able to come down and take care of her again. She needed to get ready to move back home to Wisconsin.

With the house sale, Mom could afford to hire a moving company to come in and box everything she owns, drive it to Wisconsin, and deliver all her things to her new apartment this Saturday. She needs her things.

My Mother has always been a minimalist. She hates clutter. She craves light. She doesn't do well in spaces that feel small. She is a woman of habit. For over six weeks, she has not had anything that brings her peace. It is wearing on her, so we count the days until move-in day. Three Days...Only three more days.


Photo by Ecoinstante

The bright spot and my saving grace is my son, @Ecoinstant, and daughter-in-law flew up, once again, to help me. They were at Mom's house when the movers came to pack everything. They took care of all the small details, like taking out the last bit of trash before closing the house door for the last time.

They spent three days driving my Mom's car from Florida to Wisconsin so we would have a safer and newer vehicle than anything we currently own. They will help Mom unpack all the boxes and help put everything in its new home. They are my angels who come to help make my life easier.

They have sacrificed a month of their lives to make mine more manageable, and for that, I am humbled and grateful to have two such beautiful souls in my life. I owe them so much.

As I sit and type this with my broken foot while my Mom sleeps upstairs with her infected legs...I thank God I was so lucky to have the son I do, and he was so intelligent to marry the woman he did.


Last, I want to Thank @Ecoinstante for traveling to the USA during the most important days of her life. Tomorrow, she will present her thesis for her master's Degree. She spent the last two years doing four years of work, and it all comes down to tomorrow for her.

Ledis has fought for her ideas, community, and the environment that houses rare animals in their part of the world. You wait. Soon, her name will be known worldwide.

I am Blessed in so many ways. Even when pulling my hair out one strand at a time, as @TheHive told me to, so I might have some hair left by the time Mom settles into her new apartment!

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


Thumbnail Image by Arduinna from Pixabay

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Gif made by @Snook


Hello lovely lady! 😊

Firstly, HUGGGGSSSS! Okay, now that I've taken care of that, know that we all worry when we don't see a post from you every few days or so, but we have faith that you're just busy and will come back when life calms down a bit. I'm so glad that your son and d-i-l are able to come home to help. Moving is stressful under the best of circumstances, so its no wonder you needed the backup. You're a great mom and that is evident from the way they came home to help when you needed them to. Wish your d-i-l my best on her thesis. I'll say a little prayer for her to get top marks for all her hard work. 😊

Oh, one more thing, HUUUUUGGGGSSSSS! Just to keep you going a little longer. Hang in there sister, you've got this! 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊

Yeah, it has been one thing after another here.
This should lighten up after next week and she will be in her apartment surrounded by her things and not have to walk up and down stairs all day.

so 3 more days and things for her should be looking better which in turn will help me too.

HUGE HUGS back!!

I hear you sister. Hang in there, just a few more days. You've got this! HUUUGGGGGSSSS! 😊

Wishing your mother the best as she embarks on this new chapter in her life and hoping that the sale of her house goes smoothly. Change can be difficult, but it often brings opportunities for new experiences and memories. If you ever want to share more or have questions or thoughts, feel free to reach out.

Thank you very much!!
I am hoping this new place and being surrounded by people will bring back so much that she lost when COVID-19 hit.

Thank you for stopping to read today~!~

You need to try to balance things, you can only care for her if you are healthy.

Take care of yourself too

I am doing the best I can!!

Thank You!!

The magic is in the trying.

it IS!!

Will I magically still have hair in 6 days is the real questions here~~~~

Glad you are still with us, but sorry about your foot. It is good that your mom realized she needed to move and required help. I have seen some older people bunker down in their ways and not budge when it comes to such things. It makes it so much harder on everyone around them. Your son and his wife sound like wonderful humans. Isn't that such a great gift for them to give us as parents? To be good humans.

I am very lucky with my son and his wife that they love me as much as they do!!

I count my blessings each and every day!

Oh Snook, it makes me smile so much to see Alex in the kitchen (scooping ice cream?) and thinking of the joy he and his wife must be bringing at the tail end of this. 3 days? It's safe to say you've made it, and next week is nap city! I sure do hope mom feels better soon though.

What a blessing that her home will be all unpacked and ready for her, and then you both can move on to a less stressful time in life together. I hope it is one with all sorts of healing and happy times! ❤️

All the hugs to you and the fam 🤗

Thank you!! we still have a lot to do before it is all done but at least we are heading in the correct direction!!

Love You!!

We all go through something like this as our parents grow older and some day we will be in the same spot… It is good to have family you can help make these transitions in Life. It’s not easy. Love and prayers for your Family. ❤️

we do. I agree. It is hard when you have to watch your own parent go through it though.
Thank you for the prayers!

Your Mom is lucky to have you and your Son to help her with her move. I could not handle the winters in Wisconsin but it sounds like this is where she is from so she should be ok with it. I was born and raised in Florida, I lived up north and did not like the winters.

Mom packed for Florida Summers, not Wisconsin ones. She already looks like an Eskimo.
The good thing is her apartment, food, and activities are all inside, so she should be okay IF she finally takes her sandals off and puts socks on, and stops telling me her feet are not cold while the rest of her is under blankets. :D

I feel for her, I went to New Hampshire a few years ago, it was in July and I froze my ass off. It is nice that everything is inside for her. Wishing her warm thoughts.

Yay! 🤗
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Life gets out of hand sometimes, doesn't it? I am so glad you have your son and daughter-in-law to help your mom get moved and settled. I pray she feels at home soon in her new surroundings. And I hope your foot heals up quickly!

It sure does!!!!

I am not having fun yet.......

I am hoping this coming week this start to look up.


Glad you have help up there right now, not sure ol' Franky could manage it himself. Much love sis.

Oh, there is no way we could have done this without Alex and Ledis. I would have had to hire someone to unbox everything and even then.............

Let's just hope they let her out of the Hospital tomorrow with home health care.