11 Uplifting Tumblr Posts You Should Read

in #life7 years ago

Even if my life seems pretty much like a dream because of all the travel opportunities I have, also Soldier has to go through some shitty days sometimes. But the difference between people who suffer and me is simple. I try to uplift myself and motivate me in every way possible instead of sitting around and thinking about how bad the situation is....

I usually do not search on tumblr. I think I don´t even have an account on this platform but when I thought about this topic, my memories brought me there to search for motivational posts. Some of my friends were pretty active on tumblr during high school so I thought why not bring back some old memories and share some positivity in case you have a shitty day. 

We can feel joy even while having a bad day, a bad week, or even a bad year! - Russell M. Nelson

Enough talking for now. Let´s start with some funny posts that will lighten up your day for sure

Think about it...

you CAN!

Not necessary but wouldn´t want to live without

Mind your own business

Thank puberty...

There is always a way to find something positive

This is amazing!

You build your future. It´s never too late to change anything

Old doesn´t mean bad


Use every perspective :P

( source )


Anyone can have a good day, but you have to be able to perform on a bad day. -  Jurgen Klopp

This is something @sirwinchester always tells me. Anyone can perform on good days. You have the energy, the source of knowledge (internet) and everything you ask for. But wait until you get sick or have a bad day. Try to give all you have - you will see that you are able to do even greater things when you have a good day and strength again!

A good aspect is also to remind yourself that you can not change the past but can change the future. Every word you say, every action you perform, every thought you let into your mind... Anything is able to change your reality and future! 

What was your favorite tumblr post?

Thanks for reading 

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier 


These sayings just blew my mind , think positive even in every negative situation

Mindset and attitude are everything. I'm going through a tough time now so trying to focus on surrounding myself with positivity.

Have not seen you in my feed since forever. Thanx for sharing, I do not tmbl....🤔

Wow nice funny

The conclusion I can find from your post is always be positive, thanks for inspiration.

"Anyone can have a good day, but you have to be able to perform on a bad day"- well said.
That develops the real strength in us.

wow!!!!so useful post.....thats pretty cool to know..love to read it

Awesome written work
Incredible sharing
Much appreciated

YOU LOOKS LIKE TO cinderella

Nice post. I really enjoyed this.
Thanks for sharing.

Which military do you serve , my sis ? I encourage you .

Awesome your funny, i like this funny. and your blog writing very nice..... all the best.... my dear

Great ideas and writing
Excellent sharing

Enjoy the upvote and reward

You have to take the positive side of even the bad moments! cheer up ;)

amazing, thank you for sharing all these tumbler posts. Yes, I agree on your conclusion, by placing oneself in the right position (body & mind) it is possible to influence and change the future.

i naver now that tumbler have got this amazing stuff in it

True words about how we should face our difficult days and replace all efforts to become good and pleasant.
I agree to see everything depends on the inside of our minds

This was really an interesting post wonderful to see that thanks for sharing it

Interesting post you just shared it was fun to read it :)

the post's you shared are all my favorite i didn't knew tumblr this be too much fun

those couple are still together haha :D

nokia still nailed it old memories revived

started on a serious note but you ended in a great way :)

spectacular post it was great to read its nice :)

Time to change the future and rewrite in our own style

these were very uplifting hahah :)

so many good threads you have shared interesting to see them all :)

Wow really this post is really funny i like this post very much