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RE: The children of today: Have smartphones destroyed a generation? Part II

in #life8 years ago

Thank you for this great input! We need more parents with the same mindset like you and your wife!
I think the most important thing is to keep the balance and to make sure to give the device on purpose. After reading your comment, I believe you know exactly what you are doing and this is totally different parents who give their kids smartphones just to employ them!
I appreciate your support and your passion about the health of our next generation!


Our kids are the first one's to have these small hand held devices. Neglectful parenting is not new, just the tech. It's not going to create a generation of mindless humans. It will further the disparities between the intelligent and stupid, possibly better than the rich/poor or fast/slow or articulate/quiet but i can see facilities, like logic, reawakening like ancient atavisms. Have faith, not in the next-gen, but simply in @walky123

Hey @soldier - Trust me we are on the same page as you - children are not easy to parent these days and far too many will plop them in front of a TV or a cell phone so they can get stuff done - these are the most crucial years of their life and will absorb as much info as possible - as long as they are exposed to it!!

I am going to purchase that book I think to read it and pass it along to other parents as well..