For the last few months I have been moving across state lines to a new home. I bought a property in Virginia, and am now moving into it. My good friend @lost.ryulincoln is going to join me on this new adventure in life and we are planning on starting a farm along with his girlfriend and my partner. I bought a property that has a lot of resources on it, clean well water, a spring fed pond and many creeks and other ponds all around the area. There are multiple Wildlife Management Areas all around me making this area quite dense with wildlife.. Just what I was looking for.
Why did I pick Virginia over anywhere else in the South?
Because of cannabis legalization and home grow.
Being from California it was quite disappointing how slowly Georgia was moving as many states all around the country legalized. So when I heard about Virginia legalizing I paid attention. And eventually life just happened to work out where I could move to a legal state. Very soon I will start growing some Cannabis plants and blog the process as I do it. It feels really good to not worry about prohibition anymore.
As we can see in the map above, Virginia is completely by itself in the South for having the ability to grow cannabis and being a legal substance.
So what do we get to do in a legal state? Consume cannabis without being treated like a criminal. So we celebrated our arrival with some cannabis, broke out the bong and got enjoying our new founded freedoms.
As the day cooled down, we decided to take a walk to the mailbox. Took us around 30 minutes to get there, along the way we enjoyed a joint. Our walk is on private property so we can enjoy smoking as we walk down our country road.
With our cone lit up we got to enjoying the wildlife all around. Many birds, insects and sounds of animals were all over this property. One of the reasons I picked it as its a suitable hunting spot.
As we returned from the mailbox the sun was really starting to go down. But the sky was still lit up and we could see by the tree lines and a little bit of light.
We could see my house way off in the distance, with the porch light left on.
As we returned to the house we settled in for the night, and the next morning I woke up to a bank of fog rolling along my many acres.
It was like this for a few hours until the sun came out and cooked off the fog.
Later on that day we got some rain, and I enjoyed seeing all the drops on my pond.
A video clip of a short spell of rain and all the insects that emerged afterwards.
I packed a whole bunch of food for our trip, but we know about this Mexican food place not to far away so we got some chicken fajitas.
Any time the weather was good we went for walks, sometimes down the driveway and other times out into the woods. This day as we walked down the long driveway there was a rainbow. Actually two rainbows.
A recent rain brought them out and also cooled off this summer day making our walk more cooler.
As a Virginia resident I have access to the medical cannabis program. I bought myself some Rebel Sour 3 above, a sativa dominant strain with around 16% THC.
Sunset Sherbert 5 a indica dominant with some purple in it. 19% THC for this one.
Heres the sativa again without the flash.
Since clones are hard to come by around here, someone gave me some seeds to get started. Hoping most of them are females.
Picked up myself a new tray, Show me what you got!
The sunsets are quite lovely, we can see the moon coming out as the light passes down past the tree line.
Hah selfie time, that moon was pretty bright. Out here theres not much light pollution.
I rolled myself a cone with my medical cannabis and put some wax in there, time was slowed down.. And so was the burning of the joint, took forever to finish it.
Sometimes I just found myself staring out the window, a bunch of furniture was in the way but I moved it later. Part of moving into a new home, stuff is everywhere.
In the early morning the sunlight is cast across the rolling hills, where I live the Appalachian mountains are not too far away. So we have some amazing rolling hills here.
A selfie with my newly founded freedom hanging out.
Our fireplace mandle is well decorated, with two bottles of Dickel rye wiskey and a bunch of smoking and vaping gear.
One of the days walking back from the mailbox @lost.ryulincoln decided to just walk through one of my fields. It is Dove season so he wanted to try his luck. He just ended up getting torn up by chiggers.. Can you see him? Hes in the picture above.
As we walk back to the house, the clouds were coming out and another storm was one the way.
We came across a Copperhead and helped it across the road.
A short Youtube video
As we are discovering everything on this new property of mine, we came across a forest trail. Lots to explore, we set up some trail cams to see what passes by.. animal and human alike.
So what's next?
There is lots to do, we need to install Deer fencing at least 8 feet tall around the area we want to start some fruits, nuts and veggies in. Otherwise I will be quite disappointed when they just show up and eat the young plants. So we need to get any utility lines marked and get to digging, we plan on renting or buying a tractor with an auger bit. Drilling holes for posts and laying out fencing using the tractor. It will cover a large area so its quite the project, but with the amount of Deer we have seen the property already its going to be needed.
We also want to get Ducks, Chickens and start some Bees again. So some out buildings may need to be setup for the Chickens and Duck houses on the pond. Also considering putting up a dock so we can walk out on to the pond.
Though as Autumn and Winter closes in, I will need to see how bad they are in Virginia. From what I hear it snows more and it may be colder, so some of the farm work may just need to resume in the Spring of next year. But still planning it all out now so we can hit the ground running once the season warms up next year. I will blog about it a long the way, and starting all new plants.
I am glad I picked land out in a rural area, I feel much more at peace and this really feels like home. Though the environment is all new to me, but something I am quite attracted to and looking forward to making some great progress on my homestead with my close friends.
hellz yea~ new life 4 sho!!! I am happy for you buddy. Let it thrive~ Hope to see you there when I visit America man.
Thanks bud, cannot wait for you to visit. Hope everything stays safe in Taiwan until then.
This is so exciting. I cant wait to see your grow.
It sure is, and glad I have friends like you and others in the canna curate community to help give me guidance along the way.
I have not grown cannabis since around 2009 so my techniques may be aged and could just some brushing up on.
Getting a grow tent, 600W HPS/MH light and sticking to soil for the moment.
Amazing place. Love the peace, quiet and remote feel of it. Everyday contact with the healing power of Mother Nature. Enjoy your new home and new life buddy! :)
Hey bud, thanks much.. yeah it is quite remote. Something I am still getting used to but much preferred to how I was living my life previously.
So true, I think the well water is already doing wonders for me.
Glad to hear that :) I don´t know where or how you lived before but this place looks like it has everything for a nice, peaceful and relaxed lifestyle. I mean yeah, you will have to work hard manually of course but for me, it´s still a kind of relax. Here in my country, we sometimes say: "dirty hands, clear mind" :)
I lived in a more busy area, so I could work in the information technology field. But now I am independent I can live somewhere its more rural.. and since I have a good internet connection its like I never left.
hah I like the saying :-)
I see. So basically, you just joined the club of us, the digital nomads :) Welcome! This lifestyle is full of opportunities. I hope you will be happy with yours ;)
Glad you're happy with the place, that area has a lot of potential. Any plans on raising rabbits too?
Congratulations :)
Yeah I looked at many properties over the course of a week and this one was the winner. It sure does, my friend @lost.ryulincoln walked some of it before I bought it and said the density of wildlife in there is amazing.
So in the big plan of things I will have two farms, one for slaughter and the other for eggs and other non-slaughter animals.
Rabbits unless you are collecting their poop for fertilizer then the meat is only good for eating.. And I do not have a petting zoo so yeah.. lol Unless I am wrong?
Thanks man, much appreicated.
Looks like a good weather to grow some mushrooms too. You might be interested in this post about Mushroom growing. But sounds like you got a lot of work cut out for you, hope you'll do fine there. Good luck~ :>
Oh cool, yeah I am down to give that a try.
Yes it will be a full time job, luckily I have help.
So beautiful there! That is great news about Virginia. It is liberating to consume cannabis especially since it is a medical her. That never should of been made illegal in the first place! I look forward to following along your grow journey, and if you ever have questions don’t hesitate to reach out. I might have questions as well, since you know your way around the garden:)
It sure is, glad I did not have to move that far away to enjoy legalization. Though they just legalized so no stores are open yet but we can grow and give away buds and such. So true it should have never been made illegal in the first place.
Ah yes, I plan on stopping by the discord and getting feedback as I grow. Hah yeah just ask, many of my cannabis growing skills helped me grow "non illegal" plants for many years. haha..
Looks like some pretty good ground and I bet your hardest task will be beating back the grasses to make a clear spot for your garden. Pretty amazing looking property you got there and a boat load of potential.
Yeah its going to be a lot to work with, but I plan on getting tractors and other heavy machinery. Gotta get a tractor to drill posts and then lay out fence.
Found this video and planning on following that as a guide.
As for all the grass, we will cut it back just before marking any utility lines and then put the fence in right away. Followed up with covering every inch of the area with mulch.. Just like I did on my small property, but now 10x more space will be covered in mulch.
I walked around the boarder on the tree line a few days ago and found some large fallen trees, so there will be lots to chip up and make mulch from.. And eventually I plan on making more trails through the woods, and should have even more mulch then... So yeah mulch is my solution to all that grass... lol
thanks man, I think so too and should be amazing.
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Looking forward to pictures and comments of your new house and property. 😀
Yeah bud, I will do many more posts soon about all of it.. Just busy moving in right now and tying up loose ends between states.
take your time and enjoy..😀
Didn't get a chance to comment when I curated this but happy to hear you finally made the move mate! Looking forward to your posts about growing some greens! :D
Ah no worries, well thanks very much. You got it! I will post them as soon as I start. Gathering all the equipment right now, and then will start the seeds once I have the tent and all ready.
And thanks much for the curation.
Freaking gorgeous! Love the size of your pond, the rolling hills, the fog, all that nature. I'm really happy for you and really enjoyed seeing you post about it. Looking forward to seeing more!
It sure is, the pond is huge. I need to get a canoe out here to go exploring on it. The hills are really amazing here, since its at the foot of the mountains they start rolling and just get bigger the further west we go.
Thank you, and appreciate all the support along the way. Its always nice chatting with you in discord :-)
Yeah, you need a canoe for that one! You had me at Appalachians, my favourite mountains. Reminded me of where I used to live in several ways. I don't know anything really about Virginia. Seeing your photos made me want to see it in person.
I'm looking forward to seeing more. Good luck on growing, that's going to be fun for you.
You're welcome! I also really enjoy chatting with you in discord, cheers!
I congratulate him on his new property in Virginia, congratulations also to his good friend @lost.ryulincoln, who together with him will start a farm. I congratulate you on your new property, if you have to have; clean well water, a spring-fed pond, and many streams and other ponds throughout the area will do just fine. When one feels the satisfaction of what one buys, it is formidable and if it is a space to live and work, it is better. From Venezuela I wish you much success, as well as your partners.
Thanks very much, I think we will be a good team to get this all started. I have known him for 10 years or so, glad we were able to pull it all together to get started.
Much appreciated.
This will be appreciated Thank you for your continued visits, I will always be grateful for your support and the support you offer to many people, that is very strengthening.I hope that everything is always good and full of triumphs, the unit is very good, since it comforts. I wish you much success.
Congrats on your new home and land bro! The place looks pretty amazing and it sounds like you will get to live your life how you desire, with good company too. I do wonder what area of VA you are in now though. I live in the WV, so maybe nearby? Looks like an excellent spot to host a Hive meetup too 🤔
Much appreciated, yes so true. This property is East of the Blue Ridge mountains.
I looked at some homes closer to the area you told me about in New Castle and Lexington but the gas wells were just too close for my taste.
We can meet up maybe some time next year, I wanted to go explore the WV/VA border for Elk Hunting. Maybe we can meet up while I am out there with @lost.ryulincoln
I see, probably a few hours from here, but not terribly far. A great reason to come to WV is the whitewater rafting experience. Have you ever been? I just went again last week, not sure if you saw. I would totally be down to group up and go on another rafting adventure.
Hmu anytime man, I’ll find a way to make time for unique opportunities always.
Yeah I think the WV border is maybe 2ish hours from me.
I would love to explore this corner, seems really remote and has some of the larger game animals. Not sure how far you are from there but would be cool to meet up sometime on the border.
Just checked it out and dropped a comment on your post ;-)
I’ve been to Snowshoe, Green Bank, and Cass Railroad before, but that area next to there that you’ve circled, I’ll be honest… I haven’t ever explored. Only about 3-4 hours from me though. I also regrettably have zero hunting experience, but I know since they’ve brought elk here a lot of people are happy about that. I’ve still yet to even get to taste elk, but hear it’s amazing.
Oh cool, what about ski resorts ever go to those? I suck on skis but tubing and sledding can be a lot of fun.
Where would be a better place to meet for you on the VA/WV border?
Its all good, I do not have a lot of hunting experience as well. But my good friend does and he would not mind more joining us on a day of adventure out in the woods.
I've been to Snowshoe one time, but none of the other ski resorts. I have never skied or snowboarded. Tubing and sledding sound really fun though and I've never thought to try to do that there.
I can go just about anywhere man. Charlottesville, VA is probably the biggest city in that area to meet in. Then Snowshoe I'd say is definitely the nicest ski resort in the state and it's also pretty cool there in the summer too.
Fantastic @solominer! Congratulations on this new feat. I can sense that you'll be occupied with all the things that need to be in place in the next few weeks. Good luck, and hope all things go well. 🎉
Ah thank you, hah longer than just a few weeks. I need a month or two to get all my computers unpacked and set up.
But I will get through it all, appreciate the good wishes.
would you give me a hit of ur bong? :D
of course :-)
Thank you ser
I really need it
A good hit can neutralize my permanent pain
for 10-20 minutes at least
Reach out if you need more beans! I have a bunch of strains that you may love! #Cheers followed! Super dope spot!
Oh sweet, OK will do. I got enough to last me a few seasons as I can only grow a few at a time up to the legal limit but if they turn out to be duds I will let you know sooner rather than later.
Much appreciated
Dude, you're really living my dream life. One day I want to buy a garden like you where I can grow what I want. Chickens and ducks are great choices. Don't forget to buy some "Hives" for the bees. I hope everything will be as you want it to be and go perfectly. I look forward to your update posts about your life!
Oh man well hope you get to join me one day in owning some land and maybe a farm. Having a garden is really amazing, there is always something new to look forward to out in them.
I already have two bee hives, bringing them bodies of the hives with me and then purchasing new frames to go inside them when I am ready to start the bees. I am hoping I can get a split from local so my bees will be from the area.
Yeah, that would probably be better. I hope you can find a local dealer.
Cannabis legalization apart, what is great!, I loved the landscapes, I imagine how happy I can be in a place like that. I would put a shortwave radio antenna and enjoy making DX and writing long posts in Hive. My ideal life man, you're a really lucky guy!
So true, having the best of both worlds is a dream come true.
Actually I have been thinking about that. I would need a license to broadcast, but I could set up a scanner radio station.
And where my property is now there are no others around so it would be cool to have a scanner station out in the woods.
Hoping with so little interference being out in the country maybe I can pick up some pretty cool things. Also thought about setting up a FTA satellite dish and I can pick up wild feeds.
Thanks man, I am glad everything is working out just right.
Oh wow, I didn't know that you're already a radio enthusiast, please if you set up an SDR send me the link haha. Listen is almost exciting to broadcast, there are a lot of mysteries on the waves. I've followed you yesterday because I'm sure I will see a lot of fantastic content about your new life in your blog. See ya!
Yeah I have dabbled with radio systems, so yeah it should be fun regardless if I am just listening or broadcasting.
WOW, finally!!!
You have your work cut out for you, and with many, many years ahead if you... everything is possible!!!
!PIZZA Good luck! A new chapter, @solominer !!!
He wanted something *meteor*.
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Yes, I am so glad to finally have more space. I completely ran out of space to garden at my old house and found myself pulling up plants to make room for more.. no good.
So now I have a huge fresh canvas of landscape to work with. It will indeed take many years but I think it will be well worth it.
Congrats man, that is awesome! Hope it all works out well for you :)
Thanks so much, I think it will but time will tell :-)
I was thinking you moved into a new property sometimes ago, or did you move to another place as well too? no matter, this place seems very serene enough. The content and the pictures that came with it took days to gather, that's great.
That's an aggressive copperhead there, I guess the stick and trying to prod it out of the road angered it. I'm hoping you get to enjoy the place, it's very beautiful and the rain looks nice on the soil.
Yes you are correct, I appreciate you following my updates. In my last video I found this home but was still getting it all inspected and checked out. That took many months. But now I got everything resolved on it I can move in.
Thanks much, it is quite the amazing place.
Hehe yeah it did not appreciate his help..
Oh so it's the same house but you were still getting it all sorted out, wow took quite a long while though. I'm glad you've finally moved in. I thought it was another house.
hah no worries, its been a long process.
thanks much, I am glad too.
Very beautiful nature around!
This is a great place to be at home!
As a child, when I was taken to the village to my aunt, I drank well water, it is so tasty!!!
Dude that's a fuckin dope new buy! Congratulations! I'm looking forward to seeing the new garden next year.
Thanks man, yeah lots to think about and do!
Congratulations brother on your new home, it really looks beautiful. The idea of a farm is wonderful, in fact I love the quiet and country life. I wish with all my heart that your stay will be solid and productive, even more if you are with your family. Best regards my friend.
Thanks very much, yeah it will be a whole new start for me and a big change.
Appreciate the kind words...
Hey boss .. I always respect you and your hard work 🌹💐🌹 god bless you... I wish you always help a unic content creator Love from Bangladesh
Ah glad you have been following my progress, I try to post all I do in my gardens and will keep it up.
Best of luck, I suggest you go into Hive Watchers discord and deal with your spaminator downvote.
Thanks you so much for helping 😊 please sir do something for spaminator downlvote.. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 please 🥺🙏
Go there and the #appeals and ask to be removed.. they will tell you what you need to do.
Congratulations on your property looks like a great place to do some Macro photography , how cold does it get there in the winter ? Could you ice skate on the pond too ?
looking forward to some more wildlife photography.
Thanks very much, yes I do indeed on getting some great new macro shots. Expect some posts soon enough.
From what I have read it gets down into the 10s-20s F and sometimes into the negatives for a short time. But this is still the South so its not as bad as Northern states.
So the previous owner told me that sometimes the pond does freeze over, and unfortunately Deer walk out on it and fall through. So its best to stay off of it when it freezes.
Well it looks like you could use the reflection of the water for some startrail pictures, ii don't think you will have any light polution in the area :)
Ah yeah, that would be sweet.. Theres very little light pollution here.. we are in a bortle 4, just need to stay up late enough to see it all I think.
interesting voting trail that upvoted my comment ... 🤣
hah yeah I saw that, and on a few other comments.
Congratulations on your new home. I hope everything will be as you wish 🙏☺️
Thanks much, we shall see but I think everything will be alright.
dude!! what a killer place!! congrats!
It sure is, thanks very much
Congratulations about your move and to your new home :) This place looks perfect to grow plants and especially weed :D
Can imagine an other part of the work begins now ^^ Force to you all in that perspective !
Much appreciated, yeah I am yet to decide what I am even going to do with all of the space.. Probably start small and work my way up.
Haha yeah I have been replying to all my comments for about an hour now and still got a dozen to go. Its great though, makes me happy.
You're welcome :D
This is a good idea, my brother likes how I build things, even conceptually before... Start a small unite, see if it's successful, if so, do it again in twice the size ! Practically works for everything :)
Yeah, I know this is the price of success ^^
Promise, after this one, I won't add to it ✌️
I hope you had a great weekend, be well and good luck for your projects !!
Hah yep, got to scale up and make sure it all works right.
Thank you very much.
you’re welcome 😉
Good luck about the reinstallation of your office :)
That's huge! congrats on the new home and investment.
It sure is, and thank you..
Many congratulations
Wish you a good luck
Much appreciated.. and the good wishes
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Great post~! Congrats on the move.
Posted using WeedCash Network
Glad you liked it and thanks very much
Congrats man, the property looks amazing. That snake was quite gentle. I'm even more surprised that you guys helped it:) It was a nice gesture.
Loved the rainbow pic.
Thanks very much, hah I am glad I did not need to deal with it. My friend @lost.ryulincoln is much more comfortable dealing with them so he did good.
Yeah we are just trying to help it, did not want to come back to a run over snake :-/
Nice.. it was great. So glad nature gave us one that day.
That is rad bro.
hah thanks man sure is
Good luck and enjoy.👍
Ah thanks much... I think I will.
This is amazing, got me thinking about my own life goals!
Ah glad my post got you thinking, best of luck with your goals too.
Yes, thank you!
It's going to be from one lit moment to another. Especially the evenings while the sun is setting with your roll 🚬👌 by your side and a bit of good song hitting
I bet you will have allot of memories to take from your new home, congratulations once more bruv... Much fun @khingstan Cares 🤴✌️
Sure will be, the sunsets are just so amazing here.
Thanks so much
You are welcome 🤗
Looks beautiful there! Looks peaceful!
Thank you, it is... Just me and nature out here.
Your new place is so beautiful.I hope you will be happy here
I am, every morning its lovely to just go outside and glass the area. I really love it here :-)
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I hav never try cannabis, cause it is illegal in my country and iam a no-smoker! But i would like to try sativa as drink! Have you ever try to make a hot chai with this one? Does it work?
You should try it when you have a chance, maybe if you can visit a legal region around you. Not sure where maybe check out the world map here..
Hmmm I have not made a cannabis tea, though some preparation would need to be made to the buds. You may need to cook them at a very low heat for a short time before making a tea out of it. Or maybe the hot water in the tea will activate it..
Wish you luck in trying cannabis tea, when you do mention me so I can see your story.
i was thinking bro as an alternative treatment for my wife! he has an autoimmune disease! Thanks for the tips bro! I will be watching you!
Wow, you nailed it with your farm..looks very exciting to grow cannabis there.. the ducks might be a good thing for your pond but I think they will need a shelter to go to when temps are freezing.
Btw, did you join the Smoke platform before? We've had skylinebuds, offfgrid and acidyo (curation) there . Now its server is not running anymore.
Yeah I think this farm will provide just about everything we need to get started.
For the ducks we plan on constructing houses for them on the water so they will indeed have some shelter. We shall see how I will go about insulating it, the same for the chickens they need some buildings too.
I know about the fork, but never got into it.. Just like with Blurt and others I just focus on Hive and none of the others at the moment.
Wow, what an adventure. Looks like you have landed on your feet ! Well done !
It sure is, so much to explore here. I found a few trails but yet to walk them.
Thank you
The property looks great, with all the water and green fields. I love the 2 rainbows.
Here is a nice !BEER for some more chilling!!
Thanks very much, I hope to see many more here. I will try to capture and share more, hopefully with something besides my smart phone :-)
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Hey @solominer, here is a little bit of from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the
.Congratulations on your new home and new life bro. It looks really beautiful and calm🥹❤️
Thanks, it sure is. I love just standing outside and listening to only the wind and insects, sometimes the birds. Time basically stands still out there.
I wish I could experience such divine nature here too, your detailed description is making me imagine 🥹😂. You’re welcome dear
Congratulations on this new exciting chapter of your life, mate!! Wish you and your friends and neighbours nothing but success, happiness and prosperity in the new area.
(loved the photos of nature, especially the one with a rainbow in it :))
Ah much appreciated, I think it will be quite exciting. And thanks for the good wishes.
Yeah it was quite the sight, glad it came out in the image.
Awesome Property!
Here is what I like to play when I'm flying high!
Thank you, hah nice I checked out the video.. That coast line reminds me of Pacific Coast Highway in California. Used to drive along it. Thanks for sharing your favorite video to get high to ;-)
Exactly, I just recently drove down the Pacific 1. Love it!
Since I love to eat, the thing that caught my attention the most among these photos was the chicken fajita. 😋😋😋
Food and nature are excellent.
Enjoy your meal!
Hah nice, it was real tasty. I guess all the locals love to eat there.
Its amazing how much food they give you for the money, that meal lasted two meals haha.