An inhumane news. Every action is bad. There will be karma.

in #life7 years ago

The Terrible Fate of North Korean Women at Concentration Camp, Raped And Killed After Childbirth

Although North Korea in early 2018 began to blow the winds of peace to South Korea, but the North's terror against its people in order to perpetuate the rule of dictator Kim Jong Un continues.

The reason Kim Jong Un continues to practice the death penalty in a very cruel way for North Koreans who are considered guilty.

Although the mistakes made are actually trivial.

According to North Korean testimony, Yeomyong, who managed to escape from North Korea and then lived in the US, he often witnessed the execution of the death sentence of North Koreans who deliberately performed in public.
In 2015, Yeomyong witnessed the execution of the death penalty for North Korean Defense Minister, Hyong Yong Col.

Hyong Yong Col caught a fatal blunder for falling asleep while attending a meeting led by Kim Jong Un.

As a result, Hyong Yong Col was sentenced to death in front of thousands of North Koreans who were forced to attend the show by being shot using airborne defensive cannons.

Not only is Hyong Yong Col being executed using an air raid deterrent.

According to the testimony of a successful North Korean woman who escaped, Hee Yeon Lim and talked to a number of Western media, 11 North Korean musicians accused of creating pornographic content were also executed using airborne air defense guns.

When executed all the gunshots were fired to destroy the bodies of the 11 men sentenced to death.

After that a tank advanced and then rolled the body of the 11 musicians nahas the destroyed to the ground.

In addition to using aerial weapons, Kim Jong Un also applied death sentence using mortar.
The aim was to get the prisoner to go without a trace after his body was hit by a mortar blast.

One of the death penalties using mortars is the deputy minister of the North Korean army who caught the party a few days after Kim Jong Il (Kim Jong Un's father) died.

The North Korean regime has deliberately applied the death penalty in the most terrible ways to create a "terror atmosphere" across North Korea.

The goal is clear, for whom a North Koreans who dare to oppose Kim Jong Un regime will certainly get a terrible death sentence.

In order to "accommodate" North Koreans who are considered unlawful, North Korea still has concentration camps to punish its citizens both men and women.

North Koreans or foreigners who are admitted to Nazi concentration camps on World War II are confirmed to die slowly.

Because all prisoners are treated cruelly and left to starve to death

The women who entered the North Korean concentration camp, were generally raped by camp guards.

If she gets pregnant, she is allowed to live until delivery and after that is executed because pregnant as a result of being raped is considered a mistake.

While the fetus is powerless, then killed and thrown into the camp guard dogs who are accustomed to eating human flesh



Thats true but every action is not bad..

Nice post. .