5 Everyday Products You Didn't Know Had Animal Ingredients

in #life8 years ago

You may be using a bunch of items that contain animal parts daily and it is not food.

1. Tattoo ink

Most tattoo inks contain animal parts that serve as binding agents. This includes: bone char, glycerin from animal fat, gelatin from hooves, shellac from beetles. Vegan ink alternatives sometimes contain plastic and can be difficult to find.

2. Beer

Some beers contain isinglass a substance made from the swim bladder of fish. Isinglass is used to give beer a clear, bright look. Some breweries have removed isinglass to become vegan.

3. Dryer sheets

Dehydrogenated tallow dimethyl ammonium chloride is used to coat dryer sheets. The compound is a derivative of rendered cattle, sheep, and horse fat. It’s used to make clothes soft and reduce static electricity.

4. Chewing gum

Your chewing gum may contain lanolin a waxy secretion from sheep skin. It’s used to help make gum chewy. Companies don’t have to disclose lanolin specifically as it’s included in the “gum base” ingredient.

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