Dear friends,
Do the things that can bring you happiness.
Do you find it hard to embrace your good qualities, to celebrate your achievements, and live positively? Do you focus more on your limitations instead of exploring your potentials? Do you consider who you are as dependent on what you do? Are you afraid to know your inner self?
There is too much confusion about the meaning of the world self-worth. For a common understanding, self-worth is the inborn quality that each person has. It is part of being human. You are born with it. It is not just the opinion you have about your self nor the value that other people place on you. Being an inborn quality that each person has. It is part of being human. You are born with it. It is not just the opinion you have about your self nor the value that other people place on you. Being an inborn quality, self-worth is something that you cannot shake off. You may ignore, reject, forget or disregard it but it remains part of you. You may even doubt or not recognize it, you are worthy just the same. You may even lose sight of your true value.
Nevertheless, you are worthy; no matter how you see yourself. It does not depend on how you or others look at you.
It is helpful to look at self-worth as something that is based on an internal decision. It is to see, think and believe of yourself as someone precious-worthy of being loved and deserving of the word’s goodness. It is based on the belief that you are important; that you matter; that you are significant to the world and its people. Self-worth is more important than self-esteem, without self-worth, there is no self-esteem.
When it comes to self-worth, the Bible is never lacking in concrete in indications. At the very first pages of the Sacred Scriptures, we are told that God created us in his image and likeness. The psalmist cried out that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. It was God who took the initiative in bringing in us. Unworthy though we were, God made us worthy. It is our important task to see ourselves the way God sees us.
We should hate evil, not ourselves. Self-hate is a sign that we do not recognize the God in us. The psalmist asked us to exult before God and be jubilant with joy. Putting too much value with what the world offers, such as wealth, fame, pleasure or even forms of addictions can lead to self-hate. Even mass media can be an avenue for us to hate ourselves when it presents to us certain standards that force us to fulfill unreasonable demand. When we come to believe that we do not measure up according the world’s standard: beauty, success, relationship, contribution, usefulness, we tend to disregard who we really are and sink into self-hatred.
A healthy way of loving one’s self does not stop us from recognizing our own sinfulness either. In fact, it should encourage us to turn more to God for forgiveness and salvation. Our basis for self-love should not anymore be the distorted values of the world but God’s unconditional love. To hate oneself is to refuse God’s offer of love for us.
Our worth depends not on what we do but on what God did for us. Only when are in a relationship with our God can we recognize our true value. God paid the price for us through the blood of Jesus. God calls us, not to be selfish but selfless. The attention has to be directed, not to us, but to the God who made us worthy.
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