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RE: The More Money, and Things That we Acquire The More we Want.

in #life8 years ago

I tought about that too, and over-consumerism makes me happy too, but I ask you, why do you want to make that $60.000 \ year? It's the medium income for you to live a moderate life or it's just a threshold.

I kinda have goals that go beyond my power for now. I would be happy with $6000/year in this country because $500\month is more than enough for me. But my grand plan for life is not gather for myself... I kinda want to convert my home town, and than expand, to renewable energy.

I think it depends on your goals. I have a friend who has that complex of being the best in all, like having the latest phone, even tho he uses it only to chat with cunts on tinder and mindlessly scrolling down on facebook and instagram, latest pc tech, best whatever... That kind of human will most likely become an asshole... Just my tought.

Thank you for keeping your blogs interesting, you're pretty much the only one I follow with every post!


I don't want that it was just an example but I definitely can't live off of $6,000 in America. haha I would be homeless.

I am very disabled so my options are much more limited than many peoples. For now I need to remain in this state until I get medical relief. It will be a long battle of many years and I can't travel or even leave my home much so I have to maintain rent and bills and food here.

I would be very happy with, let's see......I could be happy with $15,000 a year. I have to spend a lot taking cabs to doctors appointments. If not for that I could live off of $12000 a year. I don't want more than bills, rent, food and maybe a few used books. :) Oh, and art supplies every so often.

This is after I get the PC and VR to try to help me cope with being confined to one room for 2 years.

It is very flattering to hear you follow me closely. Thank you. And thank's for the meaningful dialogue. :)

Oh, it is worth noting I have a ton of college and medical debt. The college debt is complicated. I was kicked out before getting the degree and my school wasn't on a bus route. I was also dealing with trauma. So, ideally I would want to pay that off to be truly stress free.

That paid college is a really retarded system in that country... I've seen some numbers and...WHAT THE FUCK? They spend fucking trillions on military bullshit to attack a desert with petrol, and they make students pay for a degree, that will eventually help them again, when the student finishes college and starts paying taxes...

This kind of systems (and political bullshit) just makes me go berserk, full GTA5 style over those fucking mindless suits!!!!