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RE: I was called a sexist today! :D

in #life8 years ago

@stehllaxo You, and other women like you, should make another group to fight against this crazy feminNazi... But you can't call yourselves "anti-feminists" because the feminist doctrine is good, but misunderstood and abused. And I am sorry....because of women with "you are not allowed to..." in their mouth , and being so many of them nowadays, force me to apply general judgement, which is so fucking wrong...


The only reason that I don't fight it is because you can't fight fire with fire, and friction in a resistance creates more resistance. Hopefully the resistance loses its steam. In the meantime I chose to affect change by being the best woman I can be regardless of titles.

Same dude, and actually currently hating myself for speaking out against women, a gender that I actually really love!