The problem we have with cigarettes

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I went to visit a friend at a hospital in Bucharest. I was ripped apart by 2 types of emotions since his condition is very serious:

The first one was the sadness which was kinda manageable since I knew about his health condition, but it was still lurking inside me. I am a 25 year old asshole but sometimes I just get destroyed when the few people I care get in trouble, but whatever...

The second one (because I am a fucking asshole as I told you) was boredom, so I've started to look around. The first thing I noticed was how many patients were outside smoking the damn cigarettes. It was kinda fucked up when you think about it... they were in a hospital yard ffs...

We do have a problem with cigarettes in this country...I have a huge problem with cigarettes, but lately I've started to cut the numbers down (because I don't have money lol).

If you have cousins, or relatives who are at that "age of full retardism" as I call it (13-18) do your best to keep them out of this stupid thing... People told me they are bad, including my parents... but they've never managed to explain WHY they are bad, or how it feels... And I think that was the missing link for me... If you don't explain it to me at all, I don't believe it.

Trying to spread some awareness... Maybe this post will end up in front of the right eyes! 


There is a saying that the sum of all vices in every man is constant. I hate smoking, but I'm not a sjw :)) Like everyone I have my vices, which I tend to control. If you know them and can control and do them in moderation is fine. If you feel that you don't have any money left, then you do something wrong.
Cigarettes are expensive, that is true, but the breath taste bad. Go to the Bucharest meetup next time, where nobody is smoking, but they drink beer :)

@alexvan for the breath it's always the chewing gum. I am not much of a drinker lol... I barely drink a beer a month.

Meetup? Like steemit Romanian community meetup?

Ok, like said vices are constant ;)

Regarding the group, details here:
First meeting was yesterday:
I'm trying to find the minnows on the site from Romania

First off, I'm a smoker. Second, i didn't start smoking until i was 23, maybe 25. I knew what cigarettes did, how and why it happened, and i still chose to start smoking.

Because life fucking sucks sometimes and having a cigarette can keep you from going off the rails when it does. So yeah, I could contact cancer and be dead two months from now. Or, I could quit smoking, have a bad day like most people do, and say something I shouldn't to someone I shouldn't. I've done that second one a lot.

When I've got smokes I fuck myself a whole lot less often. The general dipshittery of the basic population doesn't cause me to foam at the mouth in rage. That's why I smoke. I'd be dead by now if I didn't.

@jdc wow... but... how? At 24 I actually released I would like to quit them... And yes, I know what you're saying, they really give a good illusion of relaxation. AND HOLY SHIT IT FEELS SO GOOD WITH COFFEE!!!

Anyway, to be honest, I think you are a rare case, because if I knew how the addiction actually works, I wouldn't have touched them in the first place.

Which addiction? Nicotine? It adheres to the choline receptors in the brain. It isn't an illusion of relaxation, as it actually causes muscle relaxation.

I doubt my case is all that rare, we just don't talk about it because then we would constantly be annoyed by anti smoking sjw's trying to convert us. As if they're any better off being addicted to sugar like the fruititarians (yea, that's a real thing) or being dependent on therapists or whatever their doc's prescribe them for anxiety.

@jdc to be honest, my mum keeps bringing up the "go and ask help from a doctor if you really want to quit"... but too bad I don't trust what doctors recommend... usually they never loose a chance to give patients like 3-4 types of pills...

And i kinda find sugar and alcohol addiction worse because it's so common and yet as dangerous if not more dangerous... But the hook...I think it's the worse when it comes to smoking...(at least for me) because it's very easy to develop a habit.

Also...are you sure you're not rationalizing your addiction because I think, when you start to compare your addiction with other addictions it kinda is. I am doing this too so... I am not judging :/

Addiction the way you mean is a mindset. Indulgence in moderation doesn't mean addiction, giving something up still lets that mindset control you.

Physical addiction has obvious signs when you go without. Shakes, headaches, sweating, pain, nightmares, etc. You can be physically addicted to both alcohol and cigarettes, but just being a user doesn't make you an addict.

You call it justification, I call it life improvement through narcotics.

@jdc Oooh!!!!! I finally get it! Thank you for the elaborate explanation (and for making me understand and differentiate).

I am starting to love steemit and people using it!