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RE: How to Keep Jealousy Away From Your Life

in #life7 years ago

4 Ways to Stop Feeling Jealous of Other

  1. Give yourself a break.

First off, jealousy is a normal emotion. It can even be helpful, illuminating our own desires and insecurities. There’s no reason to beat yourself up because you find yourself turning a little green. You are not your feelings, and you get to choose how you react to them.

  1. Stop yourself from going negative.

So often when we feel jealous, we are putting someone else on a pedestal. The most common reaction then, is to knock them down. We’ve all experienced these conversations, right? One woman makes a comment about another’s amazing body (or significant other, or life choices, etc.), and the others join in, ripping her apart.

Sometimes it’s more subtle. A backhanded compliment like, “I’d love to have legs like hers, but I’m not eating rabbit food and running all day long. I have a life.” Regardless of your intention, voicing these kinds of judgements about others serves no one, least of all you. Instead, take a pause and move to #3.

  1. Become curious about it.

All we see in the world are reflections of our own perception. Jealousy is a powerful indicator of where we’d like to go. Where are your feelings coming from? If you find yourself envious of someone else’s job, for example, are you dissatisfied with your own? Do you secretly want to change professions? Is it really her schedule and freedom that’s appealing to you?

Instead of directing that energy outwardly, shine that light back unto yourself. Explore where your feeling is coming from. Not only is this less negative, it’s productive! It can help you explore what you want for yourself and drive you forward!

  1. Clap your hands.

Yes! Clap your dang hands for what you see in the world that you’d like to have! Being supportive and caring toward other women serves all of us. This takes practice, but it’s so gratifying once you get in the habit.