Here is a beat sets at two boots in Bridgeport ,CT. I love showcasing my sound in front of an great audience and sharing my vibration.
The mask you see me wearing is always with me at all shows . That was hand crafted by my brother who is very talented soul. He has passed away to the other side and left me the SpaceBlueSmillz masks series. That is one way I honor him and his legacy. I love my brother so much and wish he was still here in person. But I know he is watching, supporting, and guiding me through this world we live in today.
I'll never forget him!!!!
Here's a video of one his time lapse projects. Helping my sister a steemit memeber @moonalight with idea she had. Enjoy peace, love, light and happiness
Without my dad, I wouldn't be here.
you have soundcloud or smth?
Yea i do, Listen to Manifestation by Space Blue Smillz #np on #SoundCloud