They Tell You to be a Thriftier Shopper but you Should be a Thriftier Person
These days everything is about getting the cheapest price for the things you want. They also keep pushing newer goods. In this day we are made to feel like if we don't have the newest or best of something that we are failing in some way. I like to fill a niche where I fix things that others may just throw away.
Just because you got something cheap does not make it ok to not apprieciate it.
By being a thriftier person I have some nice things for almost next to nothing. Most times I even use my brain to fix things and make a profit. I almost don't even call it fixing sometimes because the items are far from broken. I can't even remember the amount of times I have gotten a desktop pc for either free or very cheap because the owner thinks the pc is garbage. Most times I just reset the bios jumper and it boots right up.
What I plan to do.
So I am going to take my practices a bit further. I will no longer be buying new clothes for no reason. I know the clothes I have were relatively cheap. This does not mean I should think they were cheap and that I can easily replace them. I want to vow to live a different way that does not feed the corporate giant.
Many people today live life in the blind. The take whatever is spoon fed to and run with it. I know today due to the open information on the internet there is a subculture of humans that are using their own senses again. I am always trying to turn people away from being sheep. We are allowed to question things. We are allowed to have thoughts.
Get Involved!!
So I urge you to get people to get involved in life. Some thing there is nothing they can do about things they don't agree with in the world. I say remember two brothers with the last name wright. They wanted to fly and they did it. Look at the influence they have had. We as individuals do have the power to change the world. Society is set up these days to hold people down like that. Break free from the forced thoughts that are imposed on you.
Our Subculture. Lets Spread it.
So I guess here on steemit I may be preaching to the choir. I understand the simple fact that we are here to begin with shows that we can look outside the box. I ask though for all of us to do our part in waking up others. I have had people get mad at me for explaining some things to them. The problem was they were not empowered. They felt they didn't want to know certain things because it was out of their control. I just showed examples that prove that individuals or small groups can make a difference.
Remember Folks.......
Feel free to email me at [email protected]
I like to say, that there is difference in believing in yourself and trusting yourself.
Of course you cannot start trust yourself, if you didn't believe in yourself in the first place, but the difference is, that trust is coming from experience.
Because you already did something very difficult a hundreds times, you know, that you can encounter with difficulties, but probably you will succeed anyway :)
steem on!
Believing in your self can make you better as well. Its amazing how much a little confidence and appreciation for who we are can go!
Happy New Year!
Keep going at it. Living by example is less cumbersome than trying to change the minds of all ppl through discussing with them. Eventually you just hit the big wall.
Will happy follow your progress.