Apologies to Those God Has Delivered From Sexual Bondage

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Ref. 1 Corinthians 15:31, 1 Corinthians 6:9; 6:12, Galatians 5:1, Acts 13: 38-39

Hey everybody. In case you don’t know, we were all placed on this earth in these human bodies for a Divine Purpose.

We weren’t born just to enjoy all the pleasures this world has to offer; but, for something far greater.

The Call which God has placed on my life involves helping people experience their highest life in line with the Divine Will of God.

That said, sometimes I lose a primary focus and get things all wrong. In other words, sometimes I veer off into the ditch from what my primary intention was to be.

Such is the case regarding yesterday’s post on domineering females. I was on topic until I got off topic near the end, discussing sexuality.

The post was to be specifically about women showing signs of having more testosterone than their male counterparts in relationship.

Near the end, I made the comment of ‘if you’re gay, you’re gay’. That’s not 100 percent truth.

The way I discussed it excluded the Power of Divine Deliverance via the Holy Spirit.

The way I discussed it inferred that there are no alternatives to homosexuality, and that living this lifestyle is the only option.

That’s not true; in fact, nowhere near truth.

On behalf of the thousands and thousands of people who denied their fleshly lusts, and married spouses of opposite gender, going on to have children and happy homes, I sincerely apologize.

People renounce sinful acts every day.

Yes, the meth addict will be an addict until the day he dies; but, he does not have to act on the sin. He can choose a God-pleasing life by not using drugs for illicit purposes.

Yes, the alcoholic is an alcoholic until his last breath; but, it does not mean that recovery, as it’s called, isn’t attainable. Every day the sober alcoholic chooses to deny to partake of the drink that will lead him over the cliff into the abyss of darkness.

The food addict chooses to deny binge eating; and the list goes on and on, of people who die daily to the sin that entangled them, to the degree that they can truly testify that God has delivered them. While they may be aware, they are no longer slaves in bondage to their sin.

In this age of gender-identity conflict, I just wanted to chime in today and make a correction.

Sin is a choice.

If God calls something a sin, you can take it to the bank that it is.

This is not a reason to judge. No one but God has that right.

This is simply to say that I do believe homosexuality is a sin; which requires a daily dying to self, a dying to the flesh. The itch may always be there; but, God can offer a healing balm which prevents the yen to scratch.

This isn’t to say that all homosexuals should enter into heterosexual unions. I think in the case of sexual sin, celibacy is a viable alternative which would honor God more than accepting something God calls sin, acceptable.

In all honesty, I really hate having discussions about sexuality because I grew up in a time when people didn’t disclose these things. I know the argument for civil rights, and I get it. I do believe people with businesses should cater to anyone with the money to pay; but, I’m veering again.

Long story short, whatever the sin, God can deliver those who genuinely seek Deliverance.

The gay and lesbian lifestyle is a choice. Most say they didn’t choose the lifestyle, the lifestyle chose them. I have no argument for that. I know gays and lesbians; and most admit to have been sexually abused, and wouldn’t wish the lifestyle on their worst enemy. Perhaps such trauma does generate a switch in the mindset. I leave such theories to God.

I’ll end here. I just wanted to go on the record that while one might be a homosexual, denouncing the lifestyle, just as many other things God calls sin, can be done in exchange for a life in line with the Will of the Father.

God helps those who ask/want His help.

He is indeed a Deliverer.

Trust Him.

It’s the best I can explain this discussion without getting lengthier.



All glory and praises to God!...Your encouragement is sincerely appreciated!
