No worries!!! Wow, this has morphed into the whole other conversation. I had to do a top-ten takeaway:
The thumbnail is not subliminal.
- Yes, gender-issues are quite the irony of life…complex and simple all in one...It simmers down to making peace with the person within, while denying the flesh without.
I know, bummer right?
It’s like the alcoholic who denies the bottle; and, the glutton who says no to the cream pie. (See 1 Cor 6:9 for more details).
I’m reminded of a famous designer, Tim Gunn, who says long ago he came into acceptance that he was gay; but, chose celibacy for the sake of peace. He said he could never gain solace with the spiritual-divide; and, the additional health risks associated with the lifestyle; i.e. AIDS. His greatest peace was found in acceptance; and celibacy.
I do agree that we are all social animals and part of what I am missing is a companion…nothing really beats a loving companion in life. And I believe that to be part of what I am missing.
- May I suggest adopting a pet dog? No, seriously. Until a human companion comes on the scene, dogs make great buddies; especially, at your age. Btw, many a new human friend is found at the dog park…such irony.
Btw, 800K people divorced in 2K17. Worth noting, the rate for same-sex marriages ending in divorce is high as well. This shows that for the long haul, companionship requires more than people are willing to invest.
I wouldn’t put too much energy into FINDING that someone. I’d make quality use of time spent with the people in your circle. This reminds me: What’s the life dream you “mentioned” in the original post?
While there are sources of oxytocin (Simon Sinek has brought up some everyday sources for it),
- Oxytocin?… It seems you’re implying it’s a great ‘checkout of reality’ drug. There are healthier alternatives bro.
they are obstacles and there seems to be a new one behind every corner. I just have to keep going.
- Oftentimes, life’s obstacles and hurdles are dual in nature: Protections from taking wrong paths, OR taking the right paths at the wrong time. They are really safeguards that strengthen us; making us wiser for the long haul…aka…lessons learned…the hard way if we push against the obstacles.
While I don't subscribe to any religion or faith, I do agree with some generalised statements made in the bible…
Yes, I know how stinging the Holy Bible can be when battling what the flesh wants; and what God’s Word says is best. I genuinely believe the Bible is a guide book for healthy living; and, best summed up under the heading of WWJD?
He tells us to not judge anyone. (Matthew 7:1-3)
While we’re pointing out the splinter in our brother’s eye, we can’t see the huge plank in our own.
(Matthew 7:5)
- He tells us to love everyone. (Mark 12:31)
Jesus says to love people for who they are, as they are.
He says to speak the truth in love; and, leave the winning of souls, and the judging to Almighty God; for, only He knows the real story of why people are as they are.
He sums up the Ten Commandments of the OT, into two in the NT:
First, Love GOD more than self and anything/one else; and secondly,
LOVE…your neighbor, as you love yourself. (Matthew 22:39)
Iow, treat ALL peoples the way you would want to be treated if you were in their shoes.
i.e….If @axynos showed up in full attire, loving the person ‘she’s’ become, I am to pray that God’s Hand have His Way with @axynos’ Divine Purpose for this life; while, loving the person in my presence with respect and dignity. While I don’t agree with @axynos’ lifestyle, far be it from me to judge ‘her’. Once, I speak the truth in love to @axynos, then, beyond God giving me anything else to say or do, I’d simply stay in prayer that ONLY God’s PEACE will align in the spirit of @axynos.
I am a firm believer that we are to hate the sin (as defined by God); and, love the sinner…living in peace as best as possible. (Romans 12:18)
Thanks for the conversation, it's definitely been interesting!
- Yes, totally! Thanks for having the courage to share! And, btw, ask your doc to consider weaning you off that oxy stuff…
If you have anxiety, know that we all do. It’s like breathing.
We learn the power of deep breathing, and mantras that say, God’s Got This! and, We can do all things through Christ Who Gives us Strength. (Philippians 4:13)
Prayers for God’s best for you!