Your play on words in the title gives one pause; but, soon refocus comes and the reality is Money can be from either GOoD; or as taught in 1Timothy 6:10, the root of everything the dEVIL.
Earning money keeps one from being slovenly. It is how, and to what measure they base their earnings, which creates the illusion that money is ‘bad’.
Funny thing; those with the most money seem to be blessed with the finest of things, friends who answer their calls, and lots of fun. Of course, without the blessings of God on these tangibles, all is for naught; thus, the entrance of drugs, and other darknesses associated with evil.
So, money is not bad; it is only the root of evil when attained from such a vantage point.
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Amennnn it is just one of the tools to build and inspire.
Thank you for your time and attention.
God bless.
Namaste :)
GBY, too!
Namaste.Wow...thanks for the confirmation. I just wrote these words, practically verbatim, encouraging @art-universe in his endeavors.
Wow wow wow. You're very welcome.
Gotta love the Universe :)
And, even more so the One Who created it :+)!!!!
Amennnnnnnnnnnnn :)