(sometimes literally)...
So truth!
And, yet I'm reminded that according to Jeremiah 1:5 the One Who created us has a plan. :+)
So, even the topsy-turvies of life are by grand design.
(sometimes literally)...
So truth!
And, yet I'm reminded that according to Jeremiah 1:5 the One Who created us has a plan. :+)
So, even the topsy-turvies of life are by grand design.
Perhaps so... but if that is true, then life isn't truly a river of choice, but rather a river of destiny.
Great observation; and, something I strongly believe, even if it seems to contradict my original statement.
It becomes a case of no matter which path we 'choose'; inevitably we will have to endure/experience an ordained amount of joys and sorrows. In fact, I consider this duo Siamese twins; as ultimately, one will give way to the other in varying degrees.
Thanks for the feedback.