Are children good manipulators?

in #life7 years ago

Hello everyone! Continuation of themes about children. We often say, that children are good manipulators. They can control their parents with tears, crying, resentment and other feelings. I cannot disagree with that view. But! Who's responsible? Ironically, on my view to blame themselves parents and here is why. Since childhood, crying is the only way for a child to attract attention. With the help of crying baby reports hunger, wet diaper, cold, discomfort. What do parents do? They drop everything and run to the child. Over time, the child grows up and understands, as soon as he cries, the parents will come and do what he wants. This does not mean, that parents should not approach the child. But parents can pause between the moment they hear the baby crying and the moment they approach it. This is first. Secondly. When a child already understands everything and really tries to manipulate his parents with the help of crying, the parents themselves go on about him. It is worth the baby to cry and parents are ready to give everything, what he wants. Parents can do things differently. If they do not respond to crying, the child will understand, that it does not work and gradually stop doing so. The main thing parents should say "no" in spite of crying and screaming.


Thanks for reading!


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

It is decidedly so

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Babies are really good at that. They almost always get what they want :-)

Very interesting your article, as a father it is difficult to ignore the problem of your children, the alarms are lit, however we must discriminate when manipulating or not.