Hello everyone! Today is a great spring day - the sun shines brightly, the sky is blue, is very warm on the street. I suddenly thought, what can please a person, especially a woman. I say "especially", because women differ from men from a psychological point of view. Women are particularly affected by frequent mood swings and are more emotional. Any trifle can cheer us up and not only, for example, a compliment, a bouquet of flowers, tasty cake, manicure, I can list infinitely. And of course - shopping. And for me, unexpected shopping is much nicer. Last weekend I had to go to the store for gifts for my relatives, I asked a friend to keep me company. When the gifts were purchased - we decided to just go shopping (it often happens with women)))). As a result, I bought for myself a few things, that I did not plan to buy. My euphoria was not spoiled even by the fact, that I forgot to turn off the lights in the car, so the battery sat down. We had to walk home, but that's not a problem, because the shopping center is not far from my house. My husband said, that he had not seen me so happy for a long time and that he should send me to the shops more often)
I want to note, that the cost of things will not affect the joy of buying, it may be a cheap t-shirt, nail polish or bauble. Generally, when I'm in a bad mood and there is no possibility to go somewhere, I'm still trying to find a reason for joy. Sometimes you can just turn on your favorite music, drink a cup of coffee, look out the window and realize, that happiness is in the air, try to catch it. After all, you live, you have a house, relatives, friends, you are healthy. It is most importantly. Those are the things, that we usually do not appreciate, because we are used to them. But it is worth the trouble to happen, as we immediately recall the best times. The simple example - a person begins to appreciate their health and well-being when he is ill. So, today I am beginning a post with trivial things, and finished with little philosophical thoughts. Women - we are such)))
Thank you for reading and be happy!
Thanks for the helpful tips. I have a lady in my mind to apply them. ;)
Thank you for stopping by)
Glad you enjoyed your shopping trip! I am not overly fond of shopping myself because shops tend to be too crowded for me to feel comfortable but I love to get small gifts from loved ones that let me know that they were thinking of me, so maybe that is similar to your experience. Seeking to find joy in the little things of life makes it much more grand. Thanks for sharing and happy shopping!
Thank you for attention to my post)
You are very welcome!
You are right I agree with your thoughts. but there is a little extra from me that not everyone wants to be respected and respected.
Enjoy the spring :)
First day of spring and it's snowing here in Europe. :)
Happy spring! My wife and I are just embarking on our journey of happiness through marriage! Thank you for the wonderful tips, all from a psychological perspective. I hope you have a moment to gain my perspective from our newlywed blog :)