Oh no, not cuphead. I've been playing it with a few of my friends. We take turns, when you lose a life, you have to give up the controller. That game is so hard, yet so fun. How did you find the game's difficulty?
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I get your plight. :)
Cuphead believes difficulty is automatically fun. But I don't really think the grinding this requires is fun. For me, a challenge has to feel smart and fair — I want to feel, when I die in a game, that it really was my fault.
This is a gorgeous game, and beautifully presented to boot, but without that no-one would be talking about it. Cuphead may have a classic style to its challenge, but it's not tough in the way that Contra or Mega Man were. This is more about difficulty of execution, and memorising a level's obstacles, than getting 'better' at the game.
The game's biggest problem for me, fundamentally, is that it is designed under the 'classic' principle of trial and error. Numerous times you'll be killed by things you had no way to avoid, bar replaying the level and knowing they're coming. The level design forces death upon you, depending on pure memorisation rather than giving players the chance to react on the fly and survive. You've got to really love learning patterns through repetition to enjoy Cuphead.
But honestly i think the difficulty is what makes this game great!
I have made it one of my life goals to beat all the bosses on expert (And maybe get S ranks. Who knows?), and although at first I thought "WTH? This game doesn't need an EXPERT MODE! it's hard enough already!", It actually makes the game more fun for me.I must say @exyle is a brainy to play cuphead for long
The difficulty is not bad. Trial and error and sometimes you need a bit of luck from the randomness on bosses. It is a lot of fun though.