My Desicion. Going Full Time On Steemit. Biggest Challenge For Me! 24\7. 1 Day Until My Challenge Is Over. Symptoms, Achievements, Goals.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Completely 168 hours here. 168 hours to make my dreams come true.

Today is sixth day of my challenge and I want to admit that everything goes quite good. I adapted to this life style and I don't feel as bad as my past days.
1 day until my challenge is over. I think that it was very good, informational and needed day for me. I really enjoyed my work, and here is my results. I hope that this experience will be not only for me I want to share it to our community too. Productive and high-quality articles, that's what we need here, we need to get more and more information about everything and here I am trying to make my voice louder.
STEEMIT, @ssophiee is here and she continues her challenge !



My biggest achievement for today is that many people saw my challenge and supported me. I am really happy that I did that and now my voice is a little louder than yesterday and tomorrow I am will be better than today.
I started to challenge myself, change myself for better, share my experience and make our community better for a little bit. I am really proud of myself now.
Today I completely feel Steemit in my veins :) Today I am the Steemit.


My first symptom is that now I just hate coffee and after I will finish my challenge I definitely know that I will never ever drink coffee again. Much coffee affects on my heart because my heart beats faster and it makes me uncomfortable. Besides that as I already said today I am feel more comfortable and adapted then past days. I hope that future 2 days will be same as today's.

I am really tired, my eyes are just red and I feel pain because of watching my laptop for days. This is not really easy, if you are trying to to the same think twice if you can do this because you can damage your health. I don't recommend this for everyone but choice is yours. You can challenge yourself and see results.

Need Sleep
I really need to sleep, and today I am going to take a little nap just because I don't want my brain to explode. I was trying so hard, and as I already said was drinking so much coffee that my heart is just in the air and I need some medicine too.

Need Food
I really need food for thinking, I have not gone outside for days and I don't have needed food for my brain. Today I am happy because my boyfriend will bring me some burgers and I think that it will help me so much to continue my work on mt challenge!

Need Soft Air
This is really hard not to going outside for a days. I am feeling isolated and incommunicado but I think that I will beat this feeling too.

Why I am doing this?

I can challenge myself, my opportunities, my mentality and abilities. I think that every people should challenge themselves to see results because it may cause some magical and unbelievable result which can change their lives!

You may think that this is not girly, but watch me! I think I can prove that girls are powerful and brave too!
I am here to learn more and more about crypto currencies because I think that this is our future, and I am start to preparing to it now, I am creating my future here, on Steemit! I Can make my dreams come true!

I am really excited about it, I feel that this week will be full of adventures and puzzles. But in the end it will be my very, very amazing experience! And I want you to be a part of this challenge. Always check my blog during this week and see my high quality articles.

And I think that I already did it, I achieved my goals and now people know that girls also can to hard work and physical load too. Yeah :) I am proud of it.

Tomorrow is a big day, I will share my results here, so don't forget to check my page. It was really great experience for me.

I need your encourage and advises! Comment down below and make me happier! :)
What do you think can I do it? Would you like to try it too?
I hope that results will be good and my work will worth it!
I am still here and I am continue to STEEM ON!
