The 8am - 5pm Work Life…

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Image - Pxhere CCO(Creative Commons)

Most people run away from it. Especially now that the internet is so easy and money can be made from the comfort of your home.
But what if you were offered a job with a pay you would consider as an upgrade. Would you be willing to let go of the comfort zone job that seemed satisfying with average pay and go for the new one with better pay but pushes you and drains your time, and energy.

We all know that time is the most important treasure for every human and it should be utilized properly in order to be effective and produce the kind of result you seek for. So sticking to our comfort, where we control our time seems like the best alternative.

But is it?

The 8-5 Life outside your comfort zone is nothing compared to a man who sits at home, learns and earns from just surfing the web. The latter is the goal most times, but do you think everything can be learnt just by sitting in front of a clip that teaches tells you what to do?

Yes or no, I believe the answer is subjective?

Well if you ask me, I would say yes but then again there are certain things the internet can’t teach you.

And I call it experience.

The internet doesn’t teach experience. Experience is a huge package, within which you can find manners, customer relationship management for both good and terrible days, and so many others. You can’t sit in comfort of your home and learn how to relate to humans. Well, social platforms make it look like we can but we really cannot, we just block the people we can’t handle. And you also can’t totally connect or relate with people over chats for the rest of your life. You can’t completely understand the different human temperaments.

However, in a working environment, this is possible. If you are opportune to work in an organization where you meet different people, or close deals with clients, understanding some human temperaments becomes possible.

For instance, those who work in the customer care sector can totally relate with this. Interacting and working with different clients gives you the opportunity to understand and learn their different temperaments and indirectly trains you to tolerate and be patient with certain people.

Is it time consuming and energy draining?

Well if you also ask me, I would say yes. Working under someone is as good as joining any of the forces. You indirectly sign up to give your life, time and energy to the job. This can be exhausting sometimes especially when the itinerary from workplace to your residence is quite hectic.

Your “Me- time” is now limited, you always hate Mondays and look forward to the next Friday. Well to me, this is just a sacrifice for a period of time, at the end what you learn especially the experience, is a great reward. And this might be the pillar that stops your business from failing when you finally decide to venture into the wild all by yourself.

The 8-5 life is not the goal, but the lessons we learn from it help us achieve the goal. Thank you.

Feel free to share your opinion on this in the comments section. I look forward to reading them.

Authored by @winarobert

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In as much as working at home is more comfortable and offers a better work flexibility, working outside the home has its own benefits too.

One key benefit is socialization, working in an open system allows us to interact with different people on a daily basis, we get to see the things happening in our environment from a first hand perspective and also get to move around more often. Working at home may not directly offer this.

Working at home also carries the deficiency of not been regarded as working experience. People who have worked from home are sometimes regarded as having no working experience.

Working at home also carries the deficiency of not been regarded as working experience. People who have worked from home are sometimes regarded as having no working experience.

I'm glad you get my point. Thanks for reading

Nice piece. But have you everbwondered, we go to primary school, 8-4, university, 8-4, and then work for the rest of your life 8-4. I particularly don't like much of routine.

There are quite a number of ways to work, under someone, for someone, with someone or they work for you. The choice is yours. And *-4 in each case would be different.

And i quite disagree with you. Working from home doesnt mean you'll sit at home all day, there are much more sophisticated work than that now. Some will require you skyping and more.

Experience, people relationship, i somehow feel you can learn it more at home, because you habe an infinite number of client.

The question is, you as a person, would you want to work at home or with someone. Most people work at home because they can't get a job. If you find people running it profrssionally, you will know its more tasking than working undersomeone.

Professionalism is the difference bro.

Working from home isn't sitting at home o. It takes you more places and in contsct with more people.

I never said we should work for the rest of our life. We need only work to gain the experience that's needed for us to be independent.

Experience, people relationship, i somehow feel you can learn it more at home, because you habe an infinite number of client.

Here's where I think you got it wrong. You can't learn it all cause all the relationships you are building are with clients. Working in an organization, you have an infinite number of bosses. And as you know, relating with clients and bosses are two different things.

You might even have Co workers and friends who want your position.

Learning how to handle all this, is the experience you get working for someone else.

Working from home and actually doing a routine job are two different things entirely in the sense that, no matter how you classify interacting with personnels through the Internet or Skype, it can never be compared to facing different individuals daily with various temperament. I for one have the believe that experience is the best teacher. And that "experience" is what is lacking during phone and Internet connections and am sure some persons have a different perspective which is no surprise based our individual differences. But believe me when i tell you that there's no better ways of gaining experience than having a day to day contacts with clients and all.

This comment was the reason for this post. I believe we can't learn what's required to manage a business without actually seeing how a business or a large corporation is been managed.

True we can learn it from the internet, but before we master it, we might hurt our personal businesses so much before realizing.

Thanks for reading

The internet doesn’t teach experience. Experience is a huge package, within which you can find manners, customer relationship management for both good and terrible days, and so many others. You can’t sit in comfort of your home and learn how to relate to humans. Well, social platforms make it look like we can but we really cannot, we just block the people we can’t handle.

For some reasons i think does bro, here on steemit i have met the good,bad,great and proud. The experience we get here is harder than the ones we get in real life. Well if am to choose anyone I'd be sitting in front of my Laptop and be all over the world.

Have you worked in a large corporation before, where you get sent to different departments Occasionally, you get reassigned to a new boss everytime. Both the ones that would like you and hate you.

I think if you have this experience, you would understand that the internet can't teach you how to handle these things. Especially if you have a boss that constantly wants you to fail, but you keep scaling through.

The experience there is harder than what we have here.

Oh that's right i forgot that part. But working from home promotes safety though. Well written

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