❇️ Made $1000+? MY COMMISSIONS TRIPLED 300%+? Is This For Real!?

in #life β€’ 8 years ago (edited)

So THE BIG DAY just happened, All this talk about HARDFORK 19 and to my surprised so far it's been CRAZY!! Is this the FUTURE OF STEEMIT? πŸ€‘

It looks like all my posts had an increase of 300%!Β πŸ“ŠΒ 

That's Plain Insanity, I am just a "Minnow"! 🐠🐟

This may be a "Glitch" but so far it looks great hahaha


Let's All Motivate and Inspire the people on STEEMIT πŸ’• ALSO FOLLOW YO BOY HERE @STACKIN (1508+ STEEMIANS STRONG) πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» UPVOTE, COMMENT and RETREEM.


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I know what you mean! I saw increases of x3-x8. $30 to $140. I was not expecting anywhere near this large of an increase.

I'm holding my breath to see if there is a display bug or calculation error involved.

You the man @lexiconical ... just seen your post, you are killing!

Wow. I just dropped you a full vote and watched the payout go from $9 to $51!


Insanity!! Do a post so I can do it back to you @lukestokes πŸ˜‚.... everyone follow my boy!! πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ’―

Okay, you convinced me to post. Here you go.

Just read it bro... damnnnnn! This is unreal! :)

I upvoted you! I am brand new. Please upvote. Health Wealth! :) Thank you. https://steemit.com/@healthwealth

very interesting. I'm seeing my upvotes are worth a lot more today.

Gotta power up that SP to have influence. ;)

Im getting some haha

And i just moved it up another 8$ :)

You are the man @freedomengineer! Here is some money back haha :)

The same here..wow ie the power of steem power...wow

To the moon :)

Amen to that, amen. We will turn steemit to rocket and power it up to the moon....win win for all of us.

Upvoted and followed you,too. :)

You are the best!


Upvoted you and @stackin and felt the power of steem power!!!!! Huuuuuurrrraaaayyyy!!!

Yeah. What is really crazy is the power to make money by upvoting your own comments :-)

So much power, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Guess what @tastetwist, HERE IS SOME STACKIN POWER!! haha

aww, thx πŸ’ͺ🏼

this awesome. i think it has to do with the new equally system launched today right? The HF19? Not sure but this may be the reason.

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Dude, you deserve it @ericgordon.... just seen your post about your daughter, awesome. RESTEEM!! You are one of my winners on that POWER STEEM COMMENT :)

Holy shit! I didn't realize this until I read your article and went back to look at my articles.... WHOA. I have you on auto upvote btw ;)

Here is some of my stackin steem power for you... just because your so nice :)

Yayyyy thank you!

Here's a upvote and more money for you thank you for post

I'm already seeing $1000's from other people accounts in seconds, its crazy! Might be a glitch lol

I think it's because theres so many non-voters. It's good that they give an incentive to vote.

Could be if something is too good it usually is I'm afraid

Im staying positive haha

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

My vote power seemed to go up like 40x

Powerful πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ˜‚

have some upvotes

Waiting for you to do some awesome blogs @hotdogs haha

Pretty Amazing stuff!


I'm with you dude, this is awesome, I just got double steem on my last song! And I was already happy with the upvotes as they were xD

This is great

I know, it's like we all just got rich all of a sudden

Makes me want to get more steem power

Let's see what is really happening lol

I can't keep up with all these messages lol

is crazy what happen

We are all recovering from the hangover πŸ˜‚

Money money money!!!!!
Keep on stackin!!

Mr. @Rhino ... the best phrase ever... keep on stackin haha

I damn near fell off my chair when I checked a few of my recent "okay earners" and found out they've turned into something else.

It's like seeing a little house spider shimmying along the floor, suddenly turning into a big giant f***ing tarantula!


Let's see what happen in a few days, tons of people already drained themselves lol

It is indeed shocking! But it is good for small fish like us to stay motivated and continue with steemit. :-) . Let's celebrate!

Let's see what happens, so many people posted today :)

This is amazing!! @stackin Is this a glitch?

Who knows but it doesn't look like it lol

Fantastic news!! lol

Yo me acabo de llevar una grata sorpresa tambiΓ©n y estoy muy contento, es un gran incentivo para los que reciΓ©n empezamos. Upvote for you!!! @stackin

This is indeed really amazing ;)

More things to come!

Stackin for real now... THANK YOU HARD FORK BASED GOD!!

Something special is happening!! :)

Awesome, i didn't check mine till I seen this post. I am only here a week, so I had very few posts and votes anyway. This is a good thing for us new folk. Happy days.

Thanks for sharing, you made my day. have resteemed :-)

You are on the right path @paulag .. I just started 2 weeks ago and soon we will be dolphins :)

only two weeks ago, I am here a week. what is the criteria for being a dolphin?

I think around 5000 STEEM POWER :)

I am waiting to get my first lot, Tommorow......wont be at 5000 for a while I think, to be honest I am finding it hard to get my head around all this.....

works great for now and wish it will continue thus motivating all to work harder

That's what I like to hear, lets go make it happen!

Yes I agree. We will move this steemit to the next level. Fired up and ready to go

Let's hope it's not a glitch!

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I'm wondering whats going to happen... to many people are excited haha

The Fork was good :o)

So far so good! :)

This is awesome! Make that skrilla haha No seriously this is great news! Gives us minnows hope and the knowing that all is possible! Great job Mr. Stackin!

It's getting pretty crazy out there, everyone is posting lol

Awesome feeling right! It felt good that my vote is worth something. Just upvoted your response to show off my 1 cent πŸ˜‰

Here is 2 cents hehe

Balling! haha Thanks! Happy Tuesday to you!

Since you are awesome @artedellavita and a support of STACKIN... HERE U GO! TONS of PENNIES HAHA

You are sugar sweet! Stackin' these pennies over here lol
Thank you and I gave one back!

Pretty cool man!

Thinks are looking great :)

I still cannot believe it... :0

To many posts, I can't keep up lol

Haha, that's not the case for me, but good for you man, congrats :D

Alright @carry0n ... I just wanted to know if you was loyal to the STACKIN FAM... So HERE SOME MORE STEEM POWER hahahaha

Oh my, thank you so much :0

i guess alot of people are quitting work tomorrow xD

What are jobs? haha

Hey @stackin !1 yea this is great.. Us minnows are getting a pay raise.. Time to break out the champagne! Congratulations sir! Lets have some fun :)

%300 That is just crazy! What a time to be alive LOL Im a newbie and my upvote gave you another 50cents,before HF19 its usually 0-1 cent LOL

I think you need to do a introduce yourself post ASAP, you will rack in and the people really want to know who you are :)

I'm a minnow wiggles a new one! Check out my posts . Upvoted you! Please upvote me back! thank you so much https://steemit.com/@healthwealth

You just started, same here... Let's all become dolphins! :)

Please be quiet everyone do not forget the inflation until i do not see the deposit Have a little insecurity thanks for the information i apreciate it

Thats true, stay tuned guys :)

I feeeeel theee sammeeee let s make a big partyyyyy :D

Wow, you can follow at me least lol

Living the dream.

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

It's a fkin Partayyy!! Crazy increase in voting power! I wish I'd blogged like a mo-fo this past week now!!

I started 2 weeks ago... but ya know what. It's never to late :)

Looks like you're a step closer to owning 924 Belair Rd like my last blog post lol Congrats my friend!

This is for real! Congrats on making over $1000! Couldn't believe that my old posts went up by 400% as well! But then our voting power depletes 4x quicker..

You are doing well... be consistent and watch it sky rocket! :)


Upvoted and resteemed :-)

You guys are just the best!

The HF19 is crazy! I told you, super whale mood in one year! Even if there will be a flood of new user with the HF, only the ones who post the best content will be able to succed on the long term. To be filtered out of the noise, everyone will need to step up the game, which means better posts, which bring more value.

Keep it up @stackin

Its pretty nuts! My power is steeeeeem power is getting drained lol

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Mine to, I do spread the love. Have to go lower on percentage to share it with more people. You are a real powerhorse with over 2000+ entries.

Look what your week is bringing you after hf19:

In max 2 weeks you will be a dolphin!

It may change, but who knows lol

I used to work in a silverware shoppe when I was a kid, so buddy I know forks... But this fork... this fork is truly the stuff of legends!

I said the same thing! I had to do a triple take at my post's values from yesterday. I hope people continue to upvote each other or it will be a zero sum game. Keep on @stackin

It's still early but... lets keep on stackin haha

I lowkey wanna know what the heck is going on. Upvoted though.

People gettin paid haha

What is even happening? :DD

Trying to catch up with all the comments lol

congratz i have a joke, When i see lovers risted in romantic words in a tree it dont makes me happy, more sad to see how many brings a knife to a date

Ual, this is spectacular, oh my God.

Thank you @anacristinasilva! Big things are coming :)

congratulation for your rewards !!

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Apppreshh boss man!

just gave you an upvote, more cash for

I will take every penny and give it back to the peeps :)

My congratulations)

click here!This post received a 1.9% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @stackin! For more information,

Yo hook it up haha

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