Silence is the source of creativity. Let your mind be peaceful for some moment and look at everything as it is. That mean to observe things in clear vision & simply as it is.
Thus everyday practice silence by simply letting yourself be in this moment. This is a great practice that you can do for yourself. Silence is the source of creativity. Silence heal our thought processes & mind. Infact silence is not meant to be dead.It is the inner-aliveness and full of answer.
Inner silence can be achieved through self-observation i.e without lableing thoughts a good or bad , just simply observe them i.e observing thoughts,it's source and how a thought appears,gap between two thoughts.Thus watch your mind in simple and detached way (as it is) and finally let that stuffs (thoughts,past memory, negetive beliefs) go which no longer serves you.There are also many ways for silence such as taking attention towards breath, simply allowing yourself be in this present moment etc.
So enjoy life.Live in peaceful mind and make your mind your friend in this present moment.
With love.
Beautiful! 😇 💓 👍 🌄 🌈
Thanks @cosmicangel ......:)