It's that wonderful time of the year.

in #life3 months ago

I thought I'd post a photo of our tree to remind me how wonderful this time of the year is. Beyond the tree, the weather has been terrible with strong winds and all round, it has been naff.

I'm not adverse to winter. But winter in respect of cold, ice and snow. This wet windy stuff can get in the bin (except it has probably blown away).

So, back to the tree. The 12 year old decided we needed colour lights this year. It isn't my preference, but I do like it. I've always preferred the gentle glow of warm white lights on the tree. It makes the living room all warm and cosy on the cold (bloody windy) nights.


I've not bothered with the outside lighting yet as it's a bit tricky guessed it, the wind.

Christmas is going to be a lovely quiet affair for me this year. The wife and kids are heading off to her parents for a few days including Christmas Day. It's odd to say it, but I'm looking forward to some quiet time! The kids will have a wonderful time with their grandparents.

The invitations keep rolling in from my sister and the repeated "no thank you" is getting tiresome. I'll be a day of not going anywhere, dog walks and some grub. Instead of the tradition Christmas meal I'm going for Lamb Raan (effectively a curry marinaded leg of lamb). I might be a bit lazy and order some sides from the local take away on Christmas Eve to have with it.


Merry Christmas! Our tree is not up and we may not bother as we'll be away. It's different when you have young kids. We will actually be minus a child as he will be at the girlfriend's.

We tend to have the same decorations each year, but add those we buy on our travels. Some of the lights need replacing.

The weather seems to have settled down. Enjoy the holidays.



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