As part of a school project i had to find some testimonials from people who actually spent a lot of months in solitary confinement in prison.
Since i have not even presented what i found,this is a first one.
It got me so sad.
1 It can either break you or make you and if it breaks you,you know just going to be broken,physically and mentally.
2 I haven't seen that a tree or plant since 2003,the only thing that I seen was a spider in the corner and I find a little bug sometimes and I feed the spider and that's about the only closest thing to nature i have is not too .
3 It has come to the point where i want to commit suicide. we want right to do and say give me the death penalty,yeah. we're in our cell 22 and a half hours day and then our yard is brick walls not able to go out to a yard you with other people if I'm not able to see things around me with his trees grass birds to talk to my family or get sunlight...
4 You had people here that's been in solitary confinement longer than I've been alive. if you could put in every emotion of the human spirit of hopelessness pain agony hatred frustration a sense of continuous silently screaming all these emotions in while you're locked in this cage treated like some animal,most people wouldn't even treat an animal like that an animal who was suffering pain and they would take him to the vet and get do something for him.
5 I gotta take a lot of deep breath before I came in here and just being around people it's it's not awkward it's a good feeling but it's still an anxiety filming because i haven't been in sight while I'm around around free people.
6 this is a behavior modification psychological low-intensity warfare against the mind of a human being that's what exists here in belen bait ,it's the same thing day in and day out.It's just a second ourselves out to make the best of the day it's kind of a body that you just spoke two hundred guys that age of the same thing I get up in
7 Hatred,it's in all of us and you need laws to have society not going to kill us,ultimately people have the ability to look at what is bad and good in a way that is not insulting not aggressive that with bullets through psychology creating a better understanding of each other. Everybody deserves a chance thank you for taking the time to hear my voice because our voices are regular,ok?
I am actually buffled by all this and i dont know what to make of it.
I am not sure if that is the right punishment for anybody
thanks!can you see the pictures?ii think i did smthing wrong
yea the pictures look broken :/