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RE: Was worried...😂

in #life7 years ago

The enneagram is one of my favorite tools for better self awareness. it’s not surface personality typing, but rather deepest true nature discernment so it’s complicated and really can take years of study for some of the types of “self-type.” Some of them are loving, adventure seeking, boredom loathing type 7s, or assertive, purpose driven, easy to anger leaders - type 8s. But others, like type 6, are less clear and really hard to see at first.

Also, there are 3 variants of all the types self preservation, social, and sexual. One isnt better or worse, but just different ways the ego seeks to feel safe and secure and function. That you see the body as less valuable tells me you likely aren’t a sexual type.

It’s kind of like learning styles...auditory, visual and kinesthetic. Generally we all have these capacities, just one will be stronger and become the predominant way we intake data. But none of them are right or wrong, better or worse.
