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RE: Reality Is Not What You Think

in #life6 years ago

Fantastic video. Nicely done. In all truth a Democratic Republic cannot exist without a well informed public. This method of informing the masses has been termed the "4th branch of government". In all honesty information is the most powerful force in the Human world next to mother nature.

After Sept 11, so many of us answered the call to action knowing that the news media was completely controlled and being used to engineer and mislead society. Young visionaries like Luke Rudkowski, Jason Bermas, Corey Rowe, and Dylan Avery grabbed the torch and ran like no one had ever run before.

Dashing down a path previously cleared by men like Aaron Russo, Gary Allen, Eustace Mullins and Jordan Maxwell.

Their selfless and courageous actions compelled my spirit to take up that same torch and hit the streets with all that my spirit could give. Every action we implemented and brought forth changed the world in subtle yet so very lasting ways. Every person we woke up would never go to sleep again.

WE are now the 4th branch of government. We put ourselves in the line of fire to reveal the hidden truths and the not so hidden lies. The wizard is indeed behind the purple curtain. Truth is a universal law and cannot be suppressed my the finite, minuscule ideals of the feeble sociopath.

In fact, this is where we will be inevitably be victorious. We go where the sociopath can never go; within to the deeper reality that exists without. The word we give this is from the Latin in-spire (inspiray) To INSPIRE. To "Give Spirit To".

The game on this world was never about power or money. It has always been about creating the future. So glad great minds like Max Igan are sharing the spirit.

Very inspirational. Thank you Max.