How to prep for job loss – Survive redundancy

in #life8 years ago

Preppers are too often labelled with the title “dooms day preppers”. While we all prepare for some event in the future and we try to cover as many bases as we can in our preparation, one area preppers overlook is: what they would do if they did not have a job.
You depend on your job for everything from eating, paying for heating, water, gas etc…
What would you do if you found yourself without a job? Your new job might have a lower income than your previous one. Would you still be able to afford the lifestyle you live or would you be out on the streets? In an economy with high unemployment you will be competing with many for new jobs, what will you do if there are no jobs around?

How to prep for losing your job

Ask yourself what skills you have. Your skills will make your more employable and make it easier for you to find a new job. If you would like to increase your skills you could teach yourself how to use the Microsoft Office packages, how to fix a computer or how speak another language.

Food storage
When trying to save money people often cut their food bills but if you lose your job you may quickly find that you don’t have any money to spend on food. Having a food storage system in place will help you through any financial times ahead. You should build up store that can last a few months in case you lost your job and couldn’t find a new one for some time.

You should try to balance high quality food with the costs and the nutritional return you get from eating the food. After that, your only concern is the expiry date as there is no point storing food that will not keep. Good items to stock up on include rice, beans and tinned foods. You can get canned meat, fish and vegetables. Consider buying supplements too, to help keep your body topped up with essential vitamins and minerals.

Storing household items
Household items should also be stocked up. Some common items you can store are: toothpaste, shampoo, soap and other hygiene products. These types of products can quickly add up as they are routine costs. You can save yourself some money by buying additional items and storing. You can use them when you need and then replenish your stored items to ensure nothing goes out of date.

Alternative investments
I consider having skills and having a food storage as the most important for prepping for job loss. For people who still have money to spare for investing I would recommend bitcoin and silver the best investments to maintain wealth. Silver can easily be sold at a coin shop if you need to cash out while you can get debit cards to put your bitcoin on and spend your bitcoin as you would with regular money.