Severe Problems Related To Smoking

in #life7 years ago

There are a lot of adverse and harmful effects on the health of people who are smokers. However, if someone decides to let go of these habits, he will either experience these effects fading away or at least experience the lower risk of these effects.

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There are way too many health risks involved with smoking, here are some most common one’s highlighted:

  • Death
    Research done by Center for Disease has found out that average male smokers die thirteen years earlier to non-smokers and women would die fourteen years earlier to non-smoking women. The reason is visible as many harmful health diseases are brought on by a man through smoking which in turn leads to death. Dying will always be the biggest threat smokers will face at any time.
  • Cancer
    One of the biggest and most dangerous concerns, Cancer. Amongst all cancers, lung cancer has the lowest rate of survival and is caused by smoking, mostly. World’s biggest known consequence to smoking is lung cancer, however, it can still cause cancer of other types as well such as throat cancer, mouth cancer, sinus, liver cancer, stomach cancer, or other types of leukemia.
  • Pregnancy
    One of the common reasons for miscarriage is smoking. Smoking can negatively affect pregnancy numerous ways, such as causing abnormalities or behavioral problems in babies. Embryo transport is damaged because of chemicals that exist in cigarettes, it can also cause damage to the uterine bloodstream, blood vessels and embryo attachment to the uterus.
  • Looks
    Looks are significantly affected by cigarette smoking. It speeds up the aging process on how you look. In many cases, age spots are visible on people’s skin and the skin also looks splotchy and pale. Collagen will break down at an increased rate because of the chemicals found in tobacco and thus you will develop wrinkles earlier and look much older. Your body will start to sag and your stomach may start to hang.
  • Sexual Health
    Fertility and sex life are greatly affected by cigarette smoking. According to study men who are smokers are at double risk of being impotent and will experience reduced arousal during sex. Women on the other hand face infertility. Estrogen production is harmed due to smoking resulting in harm ovulation which makes it harder for women to get pregnant.
  • Respiratory Issues
    Problems in respiratory system may arise with time because of smoking. Lung cancer is one of many issues that is caused mainly due to smoking and causes damage to the respiratory system. Other than that, another major issue is known as Emphysema which causes damage to an air sac in lungs known as alveoli. Emphysema causes holes in between the air sacs which are grouped together in most cases. This causes problems in breathing because there is the hindrance in the lungs which is making it difficult for it to bring oxygen to the blood.

Smokers can face all of the above-given problems plus a lot others out there. Quitting to smoke would always be the best choice for your health and for the health of others around you. Quitting would potentially decrease the risk of so much harm and will allow you to have a healthier and longer life.

As the famous saying goes, that a cigarette burns tobacco at one end and a fool at the other. Smoking is the most obvious and common form of self-destruction. Thousands of people die every year due to cigarette smoking. The best part about smoking is that it’s never too late to quit, and our body starts healing instantly after we quit smoking.

Please note that individual results will vary from person to person. All and any information and statements contained in this article are not intended to replace your doctor’s advice or treatment. We do not provide medical advice, prescription, or diagnose illness. Therefore, our views and nutritional statements are not intended to replace your doctor’s medical advice. If you have a health concern or condition, see your doctor before starting anything on your own.
