'' If you want happiness for an hour — take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day — go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year — inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime — help someone else.'' -Chinease Proverb
Hey guys!
I hope this post finds you in great spirits.💜✬💜
2 exams left until I graduate from cegep.
A bitch is hella stoked.
And then what?
8 months of break that will mostly be filled by meditation, walks in nature, adventures, physical activity, lots of reading and alone time.
Bliss Bliss Bliss.✨💚
We're only on here for a limited period of time and so it only makes sense to make sure that it is well spent.
It seems as if the modern world has made us act in such a way that we only care about our personal happiness.
While it is important to focus on our own person to become the best we can be, the process shouldn't end there.
There is going to be an entire generation of human beings that will come after we have passed.
Comfort is addicting to the majority of people.
Once you've had a taste of it, why would you possibly want to scale down on it?
On the other hand, the comfort won't necessarily stay comfortable forever.
Too much of anything can eventually backfire.
Don't ask a Sabrina for fashion advice, but hey, if giving back is always in style, I can sure give you plenty of some!!😚
It is well documented that as human beings, we have an innate capacity to adapt to pretty much any circumstance we face.
If tomorrow, you lost all of your personal belongings due to a catastrophe, you would have no choice but to face this hard reality.
However, if you are given the choice to sacrifice or not sacrifice, it changes how you will perceive things.
You will most likely choose the latter, as it does not put your current comfort at risk.
Sometimes in life, going through trials makes you reflect on what really matters in your life.
It forces you to put things in perspective.
What are the things that help you survive personal tragedy?
They probably don't consist of luxury and comforts.
Every day I trick this little bad boy called the human mind to see things in a different light.
Meditation has made it a gazillion times easier, and there's not a day that goes by that I don't thank my angel who has been looking out for me this year.
When you carry clarity in your own mind for long enough, nothing in the world can compare to the joy it brings you.
As of now, my mind is my comfort place.
And believe me if I tell you that a year ago, I would have laughed in your face if you would have told me that this would be my reality one day.🔮✨
Life is simply too short to not spend it being at the service of others, and making sure that the ones who will replace us one day will be thankful that the earth has welcomed them in the best possible way.
Love yourself, Love others, Make the world a better place.
Much love you guys xoxo💜💛