“That is your legacy on this Earth when you leave this Earth: how many hearts you touched.”
The past year or so, I’ve really been pondering and trying to seek answers to the big questions in life.
What’s the meaning of life? Is there one?
Why am I here for?
How can I find my purpose?
What can I do to give my life a sense of significance?
What mark do I want to leave behind?
That’s when I started to share my thoughts on the philosophy of kindness. If the world gets colder and colder every day, it does not mean that it has to stay that way. And each drop matters, because they are all important and without one of them, the ocean wouldn’t be as full. That’s how I view the potential each one of us has to make a change, a difference.
As Mother Theresa says: '' Give your hands to serve, and your hearts to love. ''
I love the use of the term '' serve'' in this quote, as I believe it’s exactly what I strive to do on my life journey: serving others the best I can.
I chose Mother Theresa to illustrate my train of thought because when a situation comes up, I often ask myself: '' What would Mother Theresa do in this situation'‘?
I try to be as intentional and conscious as I can, and I remind myself that others come from a place of love, even if sometimes, we fail to demonstrate it properly. In the end, that’s a common characteristic we all share: We are all fallible humans, each one of us makes mistakes, and everything that happens to us is an opportunity to make us grow.
When I choose to share kindness, I experience it.
It does not matter how the person responds back to it.
The act of sharing it is itself-an experience of kindness.
In the end, I strongly believe that building meaningful relationships with others is the only thing that truly matters in life. Over any work, wealth and possessions. I think it’s the human connection that keeps us going. And to me, these relationships are precious with everyone I cross paths with. There’s some strangers that I have helped along the way, and there’s other strangers that have helped me on my route. And even if we have not crossed paths with each other again, they have left their mark on my conscience, on my path, and on my heart. We never forget the people who have touched our souls deeply. Who have made a difference. Little or big.
My legacy is to spread kindness and compassion in every possible moment between now and when I will say my final good-byes.
I also deeply want to help humans who face mental health battles.
I want to bring down the suicide rate.
I want to commit to living a values-driven life and inspire others to get in touch with theirs.
I want to be as authentic as possible, and show the flawed realities of life, that are often masked by the outward appearances that bombard our medias every day.
One day, we will all turn into dust.
Death is the only destination that we all share, and there is absolutely no escaping it.
No matter who we are, or how we have chosen to live the gift of life.
I admire every individual who uses it as a fuel to propel themselves and bring their visions to reality.
It takes a tremendous amount of courage to live a life true to yourself in a world like ours. But I believe it’s our most precious goal worth striving for.
In the end, the story we choose to write will be the only ''thing'' that will remain immortal.
Each one of us leaves our own footprint in this world.
It will stay even if we are not present anymore.
Striving to make an impact that lasts beyond death is truly worth fighting for.
Thank you for taking the time to read me.
Please feel free to share with me your life purpose, if it’s a concept that resonates with you as well!
Awwww cutie! Right back at ya! 🖤💜❤️🧡💚💙💕💗💓💞💝
I felt bad because I forgot to drop you some emojies the other day. :( lol🌹🏶💮💖
Awwww haha no worries :))
You made up for it!!
I try. :) lol Normally I am pretty competitive but when it comes to emojies I will admit defeat to you. lol 🏆
We're leaving our legacy on the block chain 😊 Looks like a beautiful day in your pic, enjoy!
Awwww haha love it!!🌟
It is indeed :)!🌞🌸🌼🌻☀️
life purpose is probably to tear them down like they tore me down
I’m really sorry that you feel that way.
I have been there many times.
Never forget that you always have the choice to respond to them with kindness.
Maybe they don’t know any better, but you can show them, and perhaps inspire them to change that.
I know how you feel.
Sending love and strength your way.
No one is you, and that is your power💫 @lovingmyself xxx
how can i respond with kindness. it seems insanity when it is not reciprocal.