Common Personal Imperfections
What are those personal qualities do we possess that often times the source of our emotional pain (heartaches), embrarrassment and sacrifices? These tend to be a hindrance, a stumbling block and some kind of liability on our part.
First, we have the physical imperfection. One's height can sometimes be considered a liability. You would want to be a stewardess but you can't reach the bins or the cabinet on top of your head inside the plane. You would want also to join a beauty pageant, but your physical look doesn't qualify.
Even your built or width can become a "Thorn in the flesh" because either you are underweight or overweight. What's the shape of your nose? What's the shape of your jaw? What's your Skin color? What's the texture of your hair? Is it wavy, kinky or straight? What's the sound of your voice? Is it irritating to the ears or a sweet melody ? Many people think that physical deformity is a hindrance to reach one's ambition in life. Do you agree to that? What are our strengths and weaknesses?
to be continued.......
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Excited to see how the next part unfolds. Keep it up.
thanks @truexpression .. followed!
Many people do not realise that perfection is contextual. Everyone is perfect outside of a context. But there is also a special context for everyone to be perfect in. I think that steemit is helpful in sorting people based on an important variable: mental content quality. At least then you know what kind of perfection to strive for. The physical follows the mental.
Well our weakness are there to keep us humble and help us strengthen our strengths by forcing us to rely on them lol But I hear you. If I could negotiate certain weakness away I'd sign up lol