Those little bags that you find in a box of new shoes or a new camera can be very useful. Here's what you can do with them and some information about just how dangerous they actually are.
Joe S.
For any musician out there, also put them in the back of your amplifier speakers to keep all moisture from effecting the sound quality - especially basements! The tiniest amount of moisture in the amplifier speaker can make the sound worse
Kim M.
When i was a little kid i ate one and my mom freaked and called poison control.. They told me the only way to prevent being poisoned was to eat a big bowl of chocolate ice cream :)
Roberto H.
I work at a warehouse and every time these things show up in the product boxes, I shove as many as I can into my pockets, while everyone else throws them away. I now have about 7 gallon bags full of them.
Nice advice.
You can also use silica to turn real palm frowns and other leaves into fake life-like plants for the house: Putt palm frowns in a big plastic bucket with paper in between each frown; break a whole lot of silica bags open and cover each branch with silica; be sure to place paper in between each section to keep them separated; close lid and let dry for a couple of weeks(it will suck all the moisture out); spray-paint them green and tape them to a dry stump or palm stem, spray paint the tape and the stem and stick into a big pot. Much cheaper than paying $800 for a company to make it for you. It lasts like forever. A lot of silica also does wonders when you live on a houseboat, never mind drying out lobster exoskeletons. Great video!
I Have a few in the kitchen drawer.
And the Bedroom Dresser Drawer.
Steem On!
I live at the ocean where moisture is alway an issue. These little packets are in or nearby rack electronic item as well as in a safe with paper documents and other items that need dryer conditions.
this was a very useful article.